Quick post, tired, hungry, etc.
Devil's Tower was towering! Great little hike to check it out, Prarie Dog Mania!
Yellowstone was beautiful and HUGE! The place is geothermal central, smoke coming out of the ground all over the place. Wildlife everywhere, a Bison was literally walking down the shoulder 2 ft from my car at one point. It was intense, all I could think is please don't gore me and my car. Elk were also all over. Apparently it's mating season, so they were really specific about staying away from them as well. Some insane colors in this place, but felt like you had to drive everywhere and it took forever. Beautiful though, I wish I had planned ahead to do some backcountry camping and possibly a canoe trip, but I didn't and again, the alone thing raises some safety issues. So next time!
Also, my brakes hit the squeller points, so I had to get those replaced. Could not believe the town right outside of the park was named GARDINER! Funny thing about this Gardiner though, no skydivers, but no stop lights either! I like the one with The Ranch much better though! Miss my Ranch Hands, my family, friends and my Rachel!
Big Sky Country.... Riiiiight....
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