after only a week of observing my dutch family and the dutch people i have come into contact with, i have discovered what it is i admire and love so much about the dutch way of life: it's calm. it's simple. it's content.
instead of waiting impatiently in line at starbucks for their venti extra hot no foam non-fat cinnamon dolce latte they sit at a restaurant with a cup of earl grey tea and a light cookie watching the passerbys and talking with their friends. instead of honking their horn because traffic is at a standstill yet again on the sherwood park freeway, they leisurely ride their bikes to work or read a book as they trust the train to take them home safely. instead of worrying about what leftovers are in the freezer to be warmed in the microwave for dinner, the dutch bike to the grocery store and carefully select fresh vegetables and meat to make a meal for their family. (in holland families wait for everyone to be home, say grace and then eat together as opposed to the free-for-all attitude that seems to be the norm in north america).
yes, i understand that this is a perception and that i don't actually know what is going on in their homes or their heads, but if in actuality their lives are filled with conflict, then there is an extremely believable facade going on here.
this is not a bash against north american lifestyle. i love my car, i love pizza pockets and most of all i love my venti extra hot no foam non-fat cinnamon dolce latte. but having experienced their lifestyle a bit, i can honestly say i love the slowed down feel. the night life is completely opposite of course, but as for everyday life: this is the life!
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