Ems and Steve Travelling
So we left Cairns on Steve's birthday and flew 2hrs15mins to Alice Springs (yes it doesn't look that far but Australia is BIG!)! We checked into our hostel and then went to a Joey sanctuary where a man rescues joeys from kangaroos that are killed on ther road. The baby often survives the hit and people don't always stop and check if there is a joey inside the mothers pouch. We got to hold them in pillow cases which was really cute!
The next day we started our 3 day safari to Uluru.
DAY 1 - we drove the 450km to Yalara which is the resort just outside Uluru - Kata Tjuta National park. This is where our permanent campsite was. We had lunch and then set off for the national park. We did the base walk around Uluru which was about 9km it was a really hot day and the sun was really strong. Some people in our group climbed the rock but it is really disrespectful to the Aborginies so we didn't (I didn't think I'd make it either as it was really steep!). We then went to watch the sunset but unlike most places you have the sun to the back of you and just watch the colours change on the rock. We could also see the sun setting over the Olgas. I completly agree with Bill Bryson in his book Down Under when he says that no matter how many pictures you have seen of Uluru when you see it, it still takes your breath away! We wnet back to camp and had dinner, sat around the camp fire and then went to bed. We slept in Swags which are big sleepiong bag type things with sponge on the bottom and waterproof material. We both slept in 1 to keep warmer and despite having 2 jumpers on I was still cold. The temperature was around 0 degrees C.
DAY 2 - We got up at 5.15am and went to watch the sunrise again from the otherside to see the colours change. We then went to the cultural centre and learnt about Aboriginal stories. We did a walk around the Olgas which are dome shaped rocks in the national park. After our walk we had lunch at the campsite and then set off to Kings Canyon (another 450km ish). We got there in the evening and cooked dinner on the fire, then went to bed in our trusty swag. It was a bit warmer and I was wearing 3 jumpers and 2 tops!
DAY 3 - We got up at 5.30am so had a 15 minute lie in! We did a walk around Kings Canyon which took around 3 and a half hours but we were glad we strated early as it wasn't too hot! We went and had a swim in Kings Canyon resort pool which was freezing cold and had lunch. We then had to leave for our 5 and a half hour journey back! Alll in all we drove around 1500km! That night we all met up in the Melanka backpackers bar for dinner and a few drinks we were all shattered though so didn't last long!
We leave for Singapore tomorrow!
Ems and Steve xxx
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