Your Mom has just forwarded you last email (you would be proud) It sounds as if you are have a great time. I hope the mossie bite have gone down now. I found in the Sainsbury's magazine they sent to me an advert for a cloth that you can use as a scarf or sarong that is insect repellant even after wshing, so I am sure that they would have something like that in Aus. I hear it's not long till you go off to Melborne, I spent a week-end there when I went in 1976 in a place called Moonee Ponds not sure how to spell it but people were very friendly and it was great, I wished I could have stopped longer. Well keep having fun.
Hi Emma, spoke to your Mom today and she said that you are having a problem with bites, get some Eucalyptus oil or tee-tree oil and dab it on it helps. Don't worry about the heat, think of me off to the south of wales for the next 5 days in a caravan and the forcas is rain for the whole time. 3 adults and 5 children in a small space damp and cold, if that doesn't make you feel better about the heat I don't know what would. Have great times.