Hi Emmetts Mum, Thought I'd leave the next message, before you score a 6 on the message board !!
Isnt it great being able to follow their travels, and see all their wonderful pictures
Hope you have a great St Patricks Day
Hi Emmett and Sharlene, Loved the last lot of photos , could almost feel the heat, and those beautiful sunsets......
Take care , much love Mum and Dad xxx
Will I ever get sleep again, great shots, is that King Charles you on the horse, what a body, you I mean Emmett-my hunk of a son!! Did you go to bed on March 17 at all!! its still on here!! I love yellow sandals Sharlene, latest colour in Europe, youre ahead of us. T>G> Sharlene has neck tie on swim suit, one would think she was naked otherwise, what another great body, you make me feel my age. Lv Mum x
Some little boy with blonde hair is celebrating his birthday soon, do you know him, he had no fear from around 18mths to present day! Hope you have a great day in 11 days time.
LOV mum
Hope you intend to dress totally in 40 SHADES OF GREEN TOMORROW. I myself will be WEARING A LARGE GREEN BOW IN MY HAIR, GREEN DRESS,GREEN SHOES ANS OF COURSE BE DANCING ALL THE WAY TO THE PARADE, I preseme some one will die the liffey green, they usually do a friend of ours did the canal in 73, we were mad then!!! Slainte go leir a leanai
Just back from Athbooy, got all furniture in, looks brilliant, should sell now, houses have jumped 6% since Jan. Next Galway, then London, any postcards!! Love Mum
Dawn Prescott
Wow guys, what an adventure so far... Its absolutely amazing. Keep having alot of fun. Where next? When do you anticipate to be in the USA? We are looking at moving in June within Northern CA, so let us know...Hoping you will make it here? All is well with us. Jake has just turned 4 years old, alot to say as always and now starting to talk in Spanish!! Baby Danielle is now nearly 3 months and getting first teeth! Sleepless nights, but all good. Let us know and will keep checking out your awesome adventures. Again, have hell loads of fun and stay safe.... Hope to see you soon.
All the best, Dawn, Rob, Jake and "Baby" Danielle.
Well what can I say their Sugar Loaf is bigger than ours!! So God is in Brazil as well!! He is working overtime watching over you two. The Queen,King & Princess are sooo young. Love yr quotes. You are definitely relaxing, not as many photos!! Lv Mumx
Will have to get the entire Sadlier family sending you messges, now you finished!! Lv Mum x
Thanks Lads, I definitely think people think i am super cool now. Your messages are great, very funny. Glad to see mid week drinkin´ is alive and well.
Is Texas next on the list? Let me know, I might pop over. Lv Mum x
Rob Brown
Erm, yep thurs does for me. Up town?
Simon Massey
Alright Rob, yeah no problem, can't do wednesday, how about thurs?