Emmett's Adventures
Alright Gamblers,I arrived in Vegas after a long day of travelling from Mexico. Although I was only in Vegas four days I made the most of it. When I arrived at my hostel, called Sin City Hostel, I realised that they had no luggage storage. I decided to find another place but as I had already checked in and it was after 3pm I still had to pay for the next two days. For the sake of $23 I decided I would rather find a secure place. I went for a walk and found a decent hostel with all the security I wanted, it was also a much cooler place. I decided to check in the following day and take a $23 hit from the first hostel. When I got back I met an Australian girl that had a spare ticket to see Follies Bergere that night. For those of you that know about it, it is a classic T&A show. It was the first show I have ever been to and I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Afterwards I decided that I wanted a pint of the Black Stuff and we went to a bar in New York New York. I think that this is when it started to go wrong.I was drinking three pints to every one of hers. Later on when the bar closed at 3am we went to find more alcohol. By the time we got back to the hostel it was 6am, I had been up for 30 hours and had not eaten a thing other than the nuts on the plane. I decided to get something to eat from the Seven 11. Majorly bad idea! If I was sober I don’t think I would have made such a fundamental mistake. I got a microwave sandwich, in fact I got two.This, I believe, is the reason why I lost a day of my trip calling Barf on the ceramic telephone! I won’t gorse you out with the details but I believe I got the Seven 11 back by leaving them a sample of their sandwich just outside their door (totally by mistake by the way).Once I recovered the next day I decided to explore Vegas with three of the guys I was now sharing a room with in the new hostel. I am sure you all have seen the cool sunnies we bought in the Caesar’s Palace Forum shops. We walked around and even went for a famous Vegas Buffet. Although it cost $15 we each got a free t-shirt and as much food as we could eat. As I was still feeling a bit tender I was not able to take advantage of the amazing fare that was on display.At this point I felt I needed to change gear and do something less Vegas and more culture. I went on a day trip to the Grand Canyon West Rim. Words just can’t explain the beauty of the place. I felt like the earth reached out and touched me. The peace to be found there is something else and I was surprised how spiritual I felt from the experience. Fare enough, there was a large amount of snap happy Yanks, but as you got off the beaten track the place was amazing. I can not recommend it enough. The West Rim is on an Indian Reservation and so is less touristy and has a more spiritual feel to the place. This was once again when I wished my camera could capture all the beauty of a place and to allow you to see what I saw.While going there we also stopped off at the Hoover Dam, which I have to say was quite unimpressive after seeing the Worlds biggest and most powerful dam in Brasil. All the same it was a quite a site to look out at Lake Mead, which was formed from the blocking up of the water. I also saw a Joshua Tree park. This was kinda cool, maybe more so as a U2 fan.On my last full day in Vegas I decided I wanted to challenge myself with my own Tour of the Strip. I started at around noon and got back to the hostel at 3am! I hit 32 casino’s and put a bet on in most of them. I decided that I would bet whatever I had at each casino and keep going until I ran out of money. I started out with $60 and got home with $20 in cash, $41 in chips (one from each casino I went to) and had had lunch and a few beers at a “gentlemen’s club”. At one point I was up to about $280 but I had made a decision to gamble it all. When talking to some other gamblers and relying my plan they all said I would last about four casinos if I was lucky. So here’s to lady luck as I spent about 15 hours gambling and walking from one place to another and came out above in the end!The next day I flew out to San Francisco with some fun memories and two very sore feet.Until next time, Em
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