It was beautiful, moving, cynical yet emotive, and it will never be read. Life is cruel.
Yeah I really can't be bothered right now to write it out again because I'm kind of exhausted at the present moment. Why you ask? Well that would be because:
*TODAY I TREKKED THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA*!!!!!!! Aaaaaaah. It was AMAZING. We walked the longest complete section that you can walk (well you could go for 2 more hours, but then you have to turn around and go back), from Jinshanling to Simatai. It normally takes about 4 hours, but apparently we were super speedy and did it in 3. I could have lingered all day. It was the most incredible feeling - not only having to constantly remind myself that I was walking on the Great Wall of China, but just looking back and seeing it wind it's way for thousands of miles behind you, and the amazing blue skies we got leaving an incredible view and the fact that the newest original sections dated from 1600s..It was so so amazing. Got some great photos. I may have run quiiite a lot of sections of it. THE BEST FEELING. And our guide kept on showing off at how fast he could hop about (bear in mind quite a lot of it was totally unrestored so just kind of very very steep hills of rubble in a line!), so obviously I had to keep up the good Yandle reputation and equal him. Now my calves are dead. I was considering getting a massage tonight, but "massage" is a word with multiple meanings out here and knowing my luck...!
Oh and Lars if you read this (and you better, because you're getting a shout out. You've really made it if you get on to this blog you see) 1. I have a *video* of my joyful running 2. Jasper the fattest kiwi may have made it to the wall (my tour group think I'm craaazy) and had some glamour shots.
Zannna!!! (AGAIN, READ THIS b****) Mini Zanna totally got into her underwear on the wall, baby. Yeah, all the other tour groups thought I was crazy too T_T.
JESS I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU. Apparently this post has descended into shout outs...I love you even more for commenting! How come Mama and Papa Turner are out with you?!
Harry, YES guilt trips actually work. I just sent you a mahoosive reply, so feel special. And I'll have you know my nicknames this trip have been far more insulting than any you came up with so therrrre.
So all in all, today was an awesome day. Plus, at the night market, three men told me they loved me. According to my guide I'm not allowed to marry anyone who doesn't have 1. Cash 2. Car 3. Condo 4. Career so I'm going to need to do my research before I pick one.
I'm going to the Summer Palace tomorrow and the Olympic Stadium and then in the evening 13 hour train journey to X'ian to see the Terracotta Warriors etc. So I'll recompose what I've done before today so that all my avid *ahem 2* readers are not kept waiting too long. By the way, I had a strange sweet egg meat toast thing for breakfast the first day. I know you've all been waiting to find out.
Lots of love,
Emma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PS. After casually and nonchalantly mentioning that I have a parchant for Pandas, I think I have unleashed something terrible in the other two in my tour. They're now absolutely panda crazy, wearing the panda hat everywhere (you've gotta keep it classy) and buying panda everything. I'm seriously worried I'm becoming the more sane one. Loooove.
PPS. Oh yeah it was in the other post I said that the other two in my group are 42 and 36!!!!! Surprisingly, we're actually gettting along really well. I think I can pretty much talk to anyone after NZ, plus our guide is the sweetest and cutest chinese girl ever, I just want to cuddle her! Ok, really going now.
- comments
Lars hihi (my ridiculous laugh) I read all your blogs and I have to see that video.. Jasper rocks!! Kusje Lars
HRH Roseanna Sharville Ok so the shout out to me has made me feel really bad about not reading this. But that doesnt mean I havent missed you! Ive missed you LOTS. Im stuck in Poland, cos of the volcano ash shizzz which is slightly worryying as my exams are in 2 weeks exactly :O Ooooh your trip sounds sooo goood. However, I did go up mount vesuvius BOO JA. It really doesnt win though :P ANYWAY I MISS YOU xxxxxxxxxxxxxx p.s. I realise all these comments are random ramblings. Sorry about that! p.p.s Soo I was all set to try and phone you over the internet, until my mum told me that that would be free for me and super expensive for you. TECHNOLOGY MAKES NO SENSE TO ME.