Hello again! We've now reached Singapore so thought we'd update on Malaysia!
Off to a bit of a bad start when it turns out that our flight from Krabi to Kuala Lumpar was not delayed in boarding we were just chilling in domestic rather than international departures! Luckily we managed to pass thru immigration (not the best time for thai officials to look blankily at our visas) in time to make the last boarding call!
Spent 3 days in KL seeing the sights! Walked the sky bridge at the Petronas Towers (see photo) after managing to get tickets by getting up far too early! On the recommondation of a few friends we decided to head to the revolving restaurant at KL tower for afternoon tea! Despite 2 atempts we unfortunately did not get any cake! Apparently they don't do afternoon tea on sundays and on monday after we trekked back they decided to be closed for a private function! Decided we should probably just head up the tower anyway despite the lack of cake for views of the city! Also toured the city on the hop on/off bus tour and took a trip to the cinema where we saw a very poor beyonce film altho at least it was in english!
One overnight bus and one speed boat later we arrived in the perhentian islands where we stayed on coral bay for almost a week! The general theme was lying on the beach and eating rice & cornflakes (seperately!). Turns out that you definitely need sun lotion when sunbathing under parasols which we learnt after a slight pink issue on long beach!
Following another overnight bus where you are abondoned in a random jetty town to await sunrise and the first boat, we made it to tioman island (apparently where south pacific was filmed)! Another beautiful island and lots of chilling in the sun! Comedy moment (altho might be one where you had to be there) was when we were having dinner in a restaurant overlooking the beach when a guy drove past on a motorbike complete with full sized ladder looking like he'd made a wrong turn and ended up driving along the sand!
Several buses later we arrived in Singapore... stories to follow.....
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