Hi Emma. Glad you are still having fun. Mummy is panicking coz the Croations are claiming squatters rights! Have fun on Saturday night dont think I can make it coz I,m at work till 8
Hello - Well it will all be over soon, back to dear old blighty. boo hoo. See you soon. Take care.
hi em, have a safe journey home, cant wait to see you on sat and here all about it. i think your mummy better prepare herself for you going off again, i dont think you will settle until you do! take care x
that all sounded jolly exciting,very nice to get your texts at 5.45 am ! gosh,just noticed my sum 5 +5 thats a hard one. your spelling made me laugh people will think you are illiterate,never mind you can go to night school when you get home. off to work soon,louise and sereenas turn to see to animals today,they had better not mess up your nice clean house or eat your easter egg. see you soon,cant believe im finally saying that. take care on the last leg.love you loads mummy xxxxx
hello, just been to your house and had to tell you this.ive found out why the orpington isnt laying. hes a bloody cockerel.i was going to vacuum but the stupid cleaner has got no suction so im taking it to rogers to get him to service it,hopefully get it back before you get home,if not you will be on hands and knees with a dustpan and brush.Off to walk the dogs now, next door neighbours back today so wont be seeing to their cat anymore. bye bye mum xx
hiya,great to get the texts this morning.dont even think about doing anymore travelling, not for at least a year anyway. cant believe you will be home on thursday,got loads of goodies for the party,i washed your bedding yesterday as it was covered in cat hairs and mud,it was almost dry and then it chucked it down and it blew on the garden and so i had to wash it again.look forward to seeing the next lot of photos.see you soon, just off to feed the cats and get chucks in. love maaaaaaarmy xx
hi emma have a lovely time loved the photoes luv sandra x
hello ugly,pics are good everyone at work is looking in to see what your up to.what snow donna? it didna settle....dont believe her emma,she was really in snowdonia...why was my sum harder than donnas,its not fare taxing by brain so hard .take care see you soon xxx
Hi Em. Not been able to post you a message for a while because i couldnt add up the sums, but i have my calculator today so was able to do it (3+3). No exiciting news here afraid, no tsunamis or anything (just the one when i got in the bath after eating all that food). Mind you, you should have seen the snow we had at easter, it was about 1milimetre deep and had to do the granny shuffle just to get to my car, it was so traumatic. Cant wait to hear all about your adventure, will see you on 5th, i think as your mum said that not everyone of the internet was invited she means that some people are so her address if you are reading is..... take care x x
Ey up Emma - The photos are brill. I WANT TO GO!!! I think I will have to do the Borneo trip as it sounds fantastic. Me and Don can go with your mummy as she would love it too. I think we will join you on your feast when you get back home (did you read that sis). Keep the info coming as its great to see what your doing. Look after yourself- make sure there are no incey wincey spiders or leaches creaping about on your person! See you soon. x
oh i really do wish i had come to borneo with you.i really want to go now.the photos are brill.all is well here.at work today then off for 5 days.lloyd fishing today ! having a welcome home do for you at our house on sat 5th,all welcome (well not everyone on the internet) but you lot.it would be lovely if you could all come. anyway em take lots of care. love ya lots and lots of kisses xx ps dont eat emmas choc egg in the fridge sereena xx
OMG - not the leeches! arrh, wish you well for your travels in the outback, where you gonna plug the ghds? Thank you for my book - i am looking forward to reading it. Birthday wknd extravaganza was good, apart from the snow! big boy top cat says meow. I am hoping to get hypnotised by Derren Brown next week, ooh err. Hope all is well - let the good times roll xx