Big Corn island was supposed to be a fleeting visit en route to the airport to fly us back to Managua! But in true ELK style this was not to be. We ran out of money on Little Corn and had used our last cents to buy sweeties so we had to stop at the bank on the way to airport so we could pay for the taxi. This stop ended up taking over 45 minutes because the cash machine was broken and inevitably we missed our flight to Managua! Oops. After pleading with the airline they finally said that if we came back in the morning (7am!) they might be able to get us on a new flight. We had an interesting few hours in Big Corn and Lottie and Kella even ate in a restuarent that housed caged tortoises! (they only found this out after they had finished their dinner!) In our short time we also managed to flood our hotel room! I think Big Corn was glad to see the back of us when we boarded our plane leaving a trail of destruction behind us!
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