It's that old woman in Swindon again!! Still reading your diaries and thinknig what a BRILLIANT TIME you are having!!
As you will soon be joined by an even older woman I thought I would send you both a message!!
Have a great holiday together, take lots of pics and have lots of fun - I'm sure it will be a time to remember for ever.
Love Kathy
Can't BELIEVE you did a SKY DIVE!!!! You're so brave! The photos are awesome. Well done you x
Hey Emms,
Sorry its taken me this long to actually post you a message on here! Hope you're having a fabadooby-tastic time in New Zealand?
Been lookin at your pics and it reminds me of all the same places
I was in this time last year. Wish I was still travelling too.
Keep on having the time of your life. "I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it!" - I hope you sing that if you visit any of the glaciers on the south island?!
Would be cool to catch up when you get back to Blighty and we can exchange stories of our travels!
Ta ta,
Ian. xxx
Hi Emma,
I did get an e-mail from you just before Xmas but unfortunately I could read/open it. No doubt/I hope it was you saying you missed all your mates!
Hope you had a fantastic Christmas and New Year some hours before us back home.
I too had a wobble over the whether to bungy jump or not [by the time I plucked up courage @ AJ Hacketts in Queenstown NZ, the site had closed due to the high winds!].
I have to ask about the “polish my ring in the fine white sand” statement!!! How did you do that and more importantly why!?!?!
Looking forward to the next instalment.
Mark G
Hey Ems,
I was getting worried a while back when I couldn't see any news for a while! However, when I did a quick sense check and realised that internet cafes are probably a bit few and far between where you've been travelling recently. Sounds like the picking was, ahem, a real experience! Hope funds are sufficient for the party/Christmas season and that you are well rested now.
Looking forward to the next installment
Mongoilian Man
Hi Ems, lovin ure website. Well you will be pleased to hear we made it all the way to mongolia in a crappy old 2CV, despite, as Andy pointed out, being towed out of london. Will tell u all about it later.
Wicked pictures u have too, altough a bit disapointed there are known of the beach in Broome! :)
Keep havin fun
Hey Twinks!
Just been catching up again with your adventures! Can't believe you've had soooo many!
Well things here are all good although having to get the thermals out because its so bloody freezing! So jealous of your sun-filled outings!
Carry on having fun babe and will write you a proper email soon.
Miss you loads!
Hey, Mel jet off today for her 6-month travelling adventure which includes Oz. Not sure where abouts but will hopefully hear from her soon.
Take care me darlin!
K x
Hey Em's....... Wow.......what a site you got here! Really loved
seeing all the photo's and reading your diary. You sound and look as if you are having the time of your life! Good on you....really proud of you getting out there and doing so much! And a weeeeeee tad jealous I'm not there!
no doubt i speak for all of us and Wish it continues to the very end and that we miss you loads and loads! Say Hi to Si! Love Kiers XXX
Andy M
building yourself a reputation working in Oz....? It sounds really interesting!
You're missing some spectular thunderstorms back here, but all in all, you're not missing much!
Jon and Ridha have got as far as Bucharest on the Mongol Rally. They did have to be towed onto the ferry in Dover though. God help them if the car fails in Afghanistan.
Keep enjoying it!
Hi Emma
Do you remember me? I worked with your Mum for ages, and met her and other friends for supper last night. She gave me your web address as i was intereseted in your travels - spent some time this morning catchinmg up with your news.
i envy you a lot, sounds like a superb trip - in thing to have gap years in your 50's so hope for me yet. Carry on having a brilliant time and enjoy every moment!! Kathy
Mark G
Keep typing [in your won fashion!] girl, its a great little blog you've got going here.
Have/hope you had a great birthday.
Everything except the weather sounds sweet down under party girl.
Look forward to the next installment.
Mark G
Mum And Dad
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Emma
Happy birthday to you.
Have a great 27th birthday. We will be thinking of you and will be with you in spirit ( G&Ts) and will raise a glass to toast you.
With lots and lots of love. xxxxoooo