Glad you're having fun on your travels. Thinking of you today on your birthday so this is instead of a card!!
Lots of love
The Martins in freezing Swansea!
Happy new Year Em!! Just had a wonderful visit from a very happy proud Mum, you look lovely and am loving hearing all about you. Mum seems so reassured to have actually seen you and is bursting so that's good. lots of love Charl x
Hi Em, you can take the girl from her Mum but cant take the Mum from her girl.... all this pottering sounds like my favourite lady!!
So lovely hearing how and where you are... am finally catching up with your Mum tomorrow, whom I've still not seen since you went!! Maybe I'll have some news to report back to you!!!
Lots of love Charl n co x
Di Arnold
Hi Emma
Love reading your travel adventures. Glad you are having such a wonderful time
Love Di
Hi Em,
It's great to be able to keep up with your travels like this. Reading your entertaining updates with interest. Looking forward to your next post.
Take care Jan, Steve, Sophie + Katie xxxx
hi Ems
Loving your updates, am off to Turkey tomorrow, not quite Brits abroad but no where near as cultured a trip as yours. Hoping for those deep fried spidies tho- mmmm hmmm!
loads of love, Charl n co
Dont blow up any cows, hehe..Miss you emz xx
Hi Em,
How fab to be able to follow your travels, looking forward to your photos. Haven't seen your Mum yet but a few texts and she's just fine x
ps Pony?!!!!!!!
Hi Emma,
We'll be following your travels with interest. Sophie wishes she was with you. She's passed her driving test, by the way, and is loving uni.
Take care my lovely,
Jan xx
Ray Ray
Dear Pony,
I am so happy your travels are going well so far. I can remember the humidity of Bangkok especially worsened by lack of sleep and food.
I was meant to write you a lovely letter before you went...but I have been drunk quite a lot recently and am losing far too many brain cells.
I will keep checking your blog to catch up with your travels...
Remember be safe...and if you can't be clean :)