Hi Gang,
We arrived @ KILA safely on Wednesday evening after a smooth flight curtosy of Malaysian airlines.
We had a few drinks and a bite to eat and were off to bed, as we had an early start the next day.
On Thursday morning, Laurence, our tour guide picked us up bright and early for our action packed city tour.
Our first stop was the Royal Palace, which is protected by horses and guards, which change hourly, much like Buckingham Palace.
Our next stop was the Lake Gardens, to see the war memorials. This is to commemorate the soldiers who lost their lives fighting for Malaysia from 1914 - 1960.
From here we drove past the largest covered bird sanctury in the world, and then to KL's main mosque which regularly holds 15,000 people. This causes havoc in KL's already busy streets.
We then drove to Victoria Square, renamed Independance Square in 1957 when Malaysia gained its independance. Here we saw the High Courts and KL's very own 'Big Ben'.
We then walked to the National History Museum where we learnt all about the history and culture that has made Malaysia the country that it is today.
We then drove to a local Batik factory. Batik is an ancient form of material design, using wax and paints. The long sleeved Batik shirt is Malaysia's national dress, as they are made from silk or cotton for the humid conditions. As we could not quite afford a shirt, we managed to purchase a lovely hand made handkercheif, as space is precious.
On the way to our final stop, Laurence stopped to purchase some local friut to give us all a sample, and refresh us on a hot & humid day.
Our final stop was at the Royal Selangor Pewter Factory. Here we saw the making of many hand-made pewter products. We both attempted to make our own, but failed dismally, so Lee settled for the Largest pewter beer tankard in the world - even if he could only get his hands on it for a few minutes.
After our tour, we decided to explore the city - BY FOOT!!
We eventually found the Petronas twin towers, even though they are the tallest twin building in the world it wasn't as easy as it sounds, when every building looks like the tallest in the world!
We took plenty of photos and then crazily decided to walk to the KL Tower which looked much closer than it really was. The Tower stands at 421m tall on top of a 100m hill, which makes it very high! Lee was feeling a little unsure, but we proceeded up the lift to the viewing level anyway. Here we had an audio tour and spent plenty of time viewing and taking photos of the city - both by day and night. This was a breathtaking way to view a beautiful city.
Thanks to everyone for your messages.
Lots of Love,
Lee and Emma
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