MON 25TH-Checked out of mission beach and headed to Cairns on our final Oz Experience trip with our amazing driver-Frat! On the way up we stopped at a Croc Farm in Innisvale, where they farm crocs for their meat and skin...i couldnt help but think what amazing handbags they'd make...hahahahaaa ah only messing for all you animal lovers! Yeh OMG they were soooo huge and we were so close-like 2m if that and the main guy Mick (who had a funny leg from being bit by one) sat on the backs of them and that...crazy man! We fed some roos and saw this Cassowary jump and kick...dangerous bloody things!
So the guys who worked at the farm asked if anyone wanted to get bitten by a snake...and of course me being me I went for it for a laugh! the little sh*t drew blood!! but i did get a free drink out of it so it was all worth while hahaha! also got to hold a baby croc too!! :) (they also shoved a snake down daves trousers to show him how it feels to be and "ozzy bloke" hahaha!
So the cool, happy and enthusiastic driver relayed our story of travelling up the East coast and played "Time of your life"
Yeh so we checked into our hostel-Caravellas and met this crazy ass old woman Gloria, shes off her flippin rocker!! Met our new roomies greg and dave and went to the woolshed to meet the rest of the bus and have a massive night out! Mmm had a cheap meal-big ass steak with mashed potato, gravey and veggies.....good god it was heaven! Yeh the rest of the night was a bit of a blur so i'll not elaborate haha but i do remember people bidding on goldfish and having gold fish races haha!
TUES 26TH-Well what an eventful night...Gary managed to get me home safely though! Phew haha! Didnt do much today, the weather was we went shopping!!! well...window shopping and bought lotsa food haha! tut! I saw sooo many rings i wanted, and a blue rip curl hat with fur in it, but i was a good girl and didnt spend anything! Hehe! The others went to get their free meal in Woolshed but i stayed and slept; tired from a loooong night. Then got up with greg and dave and had some cornflakes whils greg decided to borrow my makeup...i swear he's done him self up numerous times coz he knew EXACTLY what he was doing haha! He was sooo funny, all he did was take the mick out of the welsh, great stuff!! :):)
WEDS 27TH-Again didnt do much at all. Went back to the mall and got a subway-mmm. Ooo we hired a car for tomorrow! Woohoo! Went to an exhibition at the art gallery by Jorg Schmeisser and it was absolutely incredible. He did etchings that take up so much effort but they were fantastic! It was mind blowing and i wanted to steal them all. But, not being a pro thief an all, i gave up on the idea hahaa!
So we met up with Gary and went to watch Blades Of Glory..or as laura asked for...Flights Of Blades :S hahaha! Anyways it was a wicked film and cracked us all up the whole way through!
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