How about an update we want to hear of your latest escapades love poppy
Alcohol is life though!
Hi EM Know wat u mean about tequila I have same problem with both vodka and rum and from a younger age than u are now. Look at how I look 50 yrs later so follow your mums advice and limit the intake luv u nana and pop
Omg Em!!! Crying with laughter after reading this!! Stop drinking so much!!! ❤
Hahaha I have no where near as many photos! It would take me years to look at all those! I'm staying safe I promise! Love you guys
Just read all your latest updates loved all the commentary but please stay safe took me half an hour to read and look at photos so you owe us u have no excuses not to look at nanas thousands of photos fr,Om our world cruise luv u nana and pop
Aw pop I'm taking all your advice I'll take lots of photos now! Glad you guys are enjoying it!
Hi Em really enjoying your blog commentary luv poppy and nana
Em you need lots of photos not videos if you are going to make a book at the end haha brainy Pop
Mumma Pickles
Hallo Erml!!! Accirding to Pop's holiday rules, the limit is 300 photos per day!!!
Nana & Pop
Hi Em enjoying your blog but remember how you didn't,t like looking at our holiday pics lol nan & pop