Been quite a crazy week! We have changed our plans and decided to go to La Serena back in Chile from Mendoza. The bus only leaves on Sat so we had untl then to discover Mendoza.
We met up with Richard and his friends on Mon. Was so good to see him and catch up on so many funny stories from travelling. As we´ve been following a similar route it was interesting to hear different opinions of places and different things each of us has done.
On Tuesday, we went on a winery tour in a neraby town called Maipu. We hired bikes and cycled round the different winerys. Barney and I went on a tandem bike!! was good but Barney sat upfront so I couldn´t se anything coming up. everytime we went over a bump i went flying! if he stopped pedalling, my peldals stopped too but my legs would keep going! it got more and more difficult as the day went on and we drank more and more wine and liquors. we went to a few winerys and after a tour of the vineyards and factory bit, we got to taste the wines. I´m still not convinced I like it but really glad i understand more abuot how the different types of wine are made. Was amazing to learn that some bottles of wine that are shipped worldwide in vast quantities are made here in tiny wineries and all packaged and labelled by hand.
along the route were liquor, olive oil, and chocolate factories...all worth a visit we thought. tried so many liquors likes dolce de leche with coffee, manderin, lemon, chocolate chip. dor some reason we were convinced into trying 75% absinthe. OMG never ever again. my mouth went so numb and my eyes were streaming! was the worst thing ive ever tasted. at the olive oil factories, we got to see how the oil was produced from the different types on olives that grew. the difference between extra virgin olive oil and normal virgin olive oil only depends on the difference of 2C of ferementation (little knowledge for you there!)
by the end of the day, our bottoms were realy seats are not the comfiest of things! we treated all our hard work by going to a Mexican restaurant. ooo it was goooood. After eating the same thing day in day out, its so nice to have some different flavours and some spice.
Wednesday, we all went to the San Martin park here. It´s huge, almost as big as the city. On the oposite side of the park is a hill called Cerro Gloria. The view from the top overlooks Mendoza city in one direction and the desert and mountains in the other. Pretty spectacular. The hill was opened on the 75th anniversary of Mendoza´s independence and there is an amazing monument at the top of the hill with such incredible detail etched into the stone.
The afternoon was spent watching the football. Obviously Richard couldn´t miss out on that. But I didn´t complain much as the whole match was focussed on David Beckham! dno if any of you watched it but it was like there wasnt a match going on!!! mmmm.
Ok so the bit im sure some of you have heard about. arney Richard and I went skydiving on Thursday!! From the moment we booked it until arriving at the aerodrome, I was so so nervous. However, as soon as we arrived, my fears disappeared and I got really excited! We were taken to this really random place in the middle of nowhere. The driver of our transfer bus was the skydive guide and there was 1 other man who was the pilot. Other than that the place was empty. After a very brief demonstration, it was time to jump out the plane! we were with 2 other girls and 1 of them was picked to go first. Made me feel better to watch someone I didnt no do it first and some down safetly. Not only was I scared for myself but I was going to watch my brother and boyfriend jump out a plane too!!!
I was the last one to go and as the day had gone on, the clouds had started to come in so I could go a tiny bit higher and go through the clouds. After a 20min flight in a a plane only made for 3 passengers to sit on the floor, I was above the clouds. Before I knew it, the door of the plane was opened and I was dangling out!!! I didnt really have to do much as you have the guide strapped to your back so all I needed to do was lift up my legs and wen the time was right, the guide jumps. Lucky really as I dno how I wouldve let go!!
The feeling of falling through the air is undescribable. The wind rushes by you so quickly and before youve had time to think the parachute is opened. Apparantly I free fell for nearly 1 min but it didnt feel like it. The lighter you are the further you fall so you can imagine my face wen he told us that!!! Once the parachute opens, the rest of the ride down is really calm and relaxing. the views over the Andes is stunning and you have time to just relax and take it all in. Had a bit of a bad landing though. As im so small, wen we landed the guide couldnt stop himself fast enough and so fell over me really bruising and cutting up my arm. It hurt bt didnt even notice it for a while as I was so exhilerated from wat I had just done. definately worth the pain. The whole thing was filmed by a camera on the guides arm so I will try to get that all loaded up. Now all i want is to do it over and over. Its the craziest feeling but would recommend it to anyone.
To celevrate being alive, that evening we were taken out by a guy who works for redbull in Mendoza. Went to a cool bar restaurant for dinner and drinks and then met up with some of his friends for more drinks...had a few to many cocktails i think as i was dead to the world as soon as my head hit the pillow that night!
We were going to go to a spa on friday but it was closed due to a big party there. so we spent the day relaxing. also went to the hospital as I have a nose infection...really lovely!! hospitals here are pretty much like the ones at home...long long waits. but the dr was really nice, even though he didnt speak english. we translated the whole thing on barneys itouch!!! ooo gadgets these days eh??!!
After dinner, we were walking back to our hostel wen we bumped into Lucy and Liv from university..was so surreal! so we´re meeting them in a little while to catch up. Tonight we are catching a bus to La Serena. Love Mendoza but glad we´re moving on. It´s actually our last day in Argentina all together. Only in La Serena for 1 night but got 2 full days on the beach. perfect but i must keep my nose covered up! sexy look ill tell u.
Will try to get photos uploaded soon. computer here is way to slow so will hopefully find a better one. After La Serena we are off to Bolivia to see the salts flats and do some sandboarding. excited!!!
Michael wanted a special mention in my blog so here it is!!! lol dnt really know wat else to say!!!
Loads of love xxxxxxxxx
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