Vietnam is so great, I love it! Last Tuesday after I wrote my last blog we went back in to Hoi An centre and walked over to the island. There were so many lovely restaurants along the river front where all the families and couples were eating but we carried along and found a small area where there were about 10 little kitchens all alongside each other with long wooden tables and chairs that was recommended by a friend who went there a couple of years ago! She said to find Mr Rin's table but he wasn't there anymore so we went to Bich Lien's table. There was only 4 other westerners there as it's not in the guide books, which is kind of a shame as they'd get so much more business but then I guess it would loose it's authenticity! The food there was incredible and huge portions for 70p!!!! We had some home brewed beer again for 12p! As we were the only ones there and we were playing cards a few vietnamese women, a couple of children and this 23 year old guy came over and we showed them some variations of solitaire and then th guy was doing sone card tricks on us, he was really cocky but so funny! Jo figured out how he was doing it and did it on him and he was flabaghasted that she's got it haha! Got a great photo of Jo surrounded by all of them showing them card games lol!
On Wednesday morning we literally couldn't resist going back to the Cargo Club for breakfast..the place that did freshly baked breads, home made jams, poached eggs on toast with hollandaise sauce and juice and tea, but we shared it this time cos we felt like fatties! We just had the day to wander around and chill out as we were getting the night bus to Nha Trang that evening. We bumped in to Martin, Andrew and Nick, the Argentinians again..seen them in every city in Vietnam so far lol! Then we bumped in to Jack, Chris and Sam, the guys from Watford who are so sweet and funny, who we've seen everywhere since Hue. We get on with so well so it's great to go around with them. We got a drink by the river and then all went back to the hotel to get our bags and go to where the bus company office is as they were getting on the night bus too. That was the bus where the window snashed..everyone had just kind of got to sleep and then was this massive bang and the whole bus woke up (apart from Jack who was right next to us, cos he'd taken a sleeping pill and was oblivious to the whole thing!) I was at the top at the back on the right and the driver was going a bit crazy and cut up another bus, so the front left of the other bus crashed in to us and shattered my window and the one below. The driver then wouldn't stop for 45minutes so I was crammed in to Jo's bed sat up, but then he did and taped it all up, so could lay in my bed at least. He was driving so fast that it felt like the bus was going to tip over every time we went around a corner lol! So yeah not the best journey I've ever had!!
Got to Nha Trang on Thursday in one piece though! We were really surprised at how many families and couples there were there. It didn't really feel like a resort place as it was so chilled out there. Nha Trang was awesome, much more of a bar scene and young feel about it! We got there so early so we were checked in to a hotel and on the beach by 9.15am and then just sunbathed all morning. The Watford boys came to join us and they got sooo burnt so the next couple of days they couldn't go out in the sun at all! We all went for lunch and then it was so so hot, like 36degrees so we couldn't really face going back in the sun so we chilled out in the shade under the palm trees :)! The beach wasn't the best, it was really long and not very soft sad. Was really funny in the water though..the waves were really strong and pulled you under, so trying to get out was interesting lol! We all went for a BBQ and then out for the evening and met loads of people, we keep seeing loads of people we'vemet on the way down!
On Friday we literally just spent the whole day sunbathing on the beach, so not much to tell. Got a really good tan already though!! Can't wait for our week on the beach in Cambodia next week!! In the evening we met up with a girl called Anna who we met on our Halong bay boat trip as she was in Nha Trang too and then met up with everyone else. Saturday was such a good day, we were just going to chill out for the whole day as we couldn't go on the beach as we'dchecked out of our room and wouldn't have anywhere to shower etc as we were getting to night bus again down to Saigon that evening. Then the Watford boys came along with Frederic, this 19year old German guy they adopted and said they were going to the mud bath spa, so we went too! We also met this canadian couple there who are young and who we've seen everywhere too lol! So all 8 of us went in the mud bath, then dried it the sun and then swam in mineral water pools. Was such a good couple of hours, and really good for your skin lol! We watched a bit of the Chelsea/Man U game and then had to get on the night bus again. it was a bit of a better journey but sooooooo bumby, we got flown up in the air on numerous occasions haha! They don't really seem to care about the suspension lol!
We got to Saigon early on Easter Sunday and went to a nice hotel that our guide book recommended and then set out to do some touristy things. We got cycle rickshaws to the war remnants museum first. It was so so sad and horrific, it was full of graphic pictures of dead and blown up people and how people were tourtured and what they did with the bodies afterwards. It was interesting to hear the Vietnamese side of things, it really sounded as though the Americans pretty much just massacured thousands of people, women and children too and then some pictured showed them smiling over the dead bodies and things. Just awful! But being in Vietnam and seeing lots of the main towns has shown us how amazing they've been at rebuilding their country. A lot of the French influence remained during the war but so much was blown up and destroyed, and the towns are really nice nowm you wouldn't known they was a horrific war 35 years ago!
We then walked to the Renumification palace which is where the president used to live but it closes between 11-1. We met an australian brother and sister outside though and got talking and ended up going to this amazing cafe with proper coffee and cakes with them and we treated ourselves for easter lol! They were so nice. We went back to the palace to look around. Wasn't much in there but lots of the rooms have remained the same, so it's all very 60s. We met up with them again for a drink and then dinner, so hopefully we'll see them again when we're in Melbourne!!
We're off to the Mekong Delta for a daytrip tomorrow, can't wait :)!!
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