G'Day to all!!!!
Hope everyones chrimbo went well, any tears? we met someone on our travels who said it aint chrimbo til someone cries! We had a wicked time in Singapore what a great city its even got untouched rainforest bang in the middle of it, cool eh? We stayed in the poshest hotel ever and ordered loads of room service, had a crimbo dinner with TURKEY and everything! Even got the staff to decorate the room, ha. Brilliant! Although we didn't explore the city that much, we just chilled out for most of the week, but it was well, well worth it.
So here we are, OZ! can't believe we are here its sooo coool! The picture above sums it all up really we have just got back from the swan river area just north of Perth. We stayed out in the bush in a shack that Steve ( Sarahs buddy who's been lovely to us!) has bought. It was really basic, well a tin hut in the bush without electric or shower, but what an experience to be out in it all with the spiders and snakes, welcome to Oz! We spent two nights out there and we saw wild kangaroos at least twelve just doing their thing, you know eating and jumping. But better than that we visited some mates of steves who live in Bindoon just a few Km away and they have taken in a joey as a pet, we have piccies don't worry, just the cutest thing. Many roos get hit by cars and then people take in the joeys and care for them. Luckily we didn't see any snakes but we saw a BIG spider in the 'Dunny' (the Loo). Trying to get the hang of the language is good fun, you could say, ' Bloody o mate that one was a whoppa'. But the spider was of course harmless, its the tiny ones you gotta watch out for! You don't get Funnel web spiders, there in the east, but you do get Red Backs but apparently not fatal if bitten. We spent a few hours each day at the beach, just to cool off (in the 30's C of course) the Ocean was really fierce because its been so windy the waves would knock you off your feet! Of course not that i was out there very far, they've got great whites round ere, no really!
That said it is nice to back in Perth just had a hot shower and put some clean clothes on, and wondering what to do tonight for new years eve. No idea but theres plenty on so will play it by ere. Not that excited about it all cos we know we have many more adventures coming when on the 2nd Jan we head into the REAL BUSH two days drive into the abyss of Western Australia, to town of Laverton. The town is small with only 400 peeps living there, some aboriginals and some white folk. But there is nothing but desert out there and we plan to do some out bush camping and shooting Roos for brekie! Sounds crazy can't quite get my head around killing these beautiful cute animals but its the staple food out there (bush tucker), so here goes. Its gonna be an amazing experience that few people to get to do, not even the aussies themselves make it that far. We met a new teacher who will be teaching in Laverton this year and she has never been out of Perth and never seen a Kangaroo! So we really are very privileged, woo hoo can't wait.
Wishing everone a a very happy new year, missing you all as ever, but we are having a first class time out here, spreading the love and being incredibly, incredibly hot!
Em and Sar XX
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