Hey there u crazy kidz, not too long to go at all. Cant wait to catch up with u in the nxt wk or so!!! Be safe x
Hey you guys, been a while soz and that. Dont forget your glastonburg tickets on sunday morning 9AM. and let us know your reg numbers case we can sort you out.Home soon ah good. Nick x
Hi, missing you both, you've been long enough now time to come home please! India looks amazing. How many pairs of shoes did you buy?
Hello, Good news, I've changed our flights to Spain to the following week so will be here when you get home. hurrah!! Read your card to Nanna, she was thrilled. Love MumXXXX
Hello, India sounds wonderful, I'm so envious. We had a great holiday skiing and no-one suffered any great injury although I really ache like mad. Suppose that's just old age. Dad and I are so looking forward to having you both home and hearing all about your adventures. Mo and Harry have just returned fron Kerala and say it was great. Have a wonderful birthday with Nick and Rebecca. We'll be thinking about you.Love Mum XXXXXX
Hello to you both!
Thanks for the e-mail tip off on the new pictures - awesome views of the Great Ocean Road. I never got to see that but between your pictures and Amy's postcards I can see I missed out! Ah, well, I'll get to see it one day soon I hope.
Just got back from Gambia for a week. It was great and really chilled so just what I needed.
Off to Paris in April for the Easter weekend and Gareth is teasing me that Im going to proposed to him!!! No chance as Ive learnt my lesson the hard way!! Just lots of people watching, drinking coffee, site seeing and looking chic (I hope!?)
Take care and can't wait to see you both ;)
Mo And Harry
Hi Em and Chris .
Following your trip with great interest and reminiscence .Brilliant pics.Have e-mailed a couple of times when we were in S.India but the ether leprechaun chewed them up and failed to deliver my "fascinating ??? " narratives so you will have to wait until you get home to hear our adventures of continuing to grow old disgracefully.So pleased you love India as much as we do...total madness and sheer magic in one wonderful mix. Lovely news about Nick and Rebecca too .
See you soon . Want heaps of info for S. America.Keep enjoying life because it it not a rehearsal!!
much love Mo and Harry
Hey intrepid travellers!! Just looked at your photos and journel entry. It all looks fabulous! The food looks awesome and what a treat. The memories will be so worth the debt Im sure!!! You're seeing so much and having a ball it seems. Keep up the journel and look after each other. Looking forward to seeing you both once you've got past all your family and friends. xxxx ;) Ed
by the way.. does anyone know who that fat bertha is and how she managed to get on the red carpet behind Cate Blanchett??
pictures of the zoo look ok (ish). However we went to Tropical world at Roundhay Park last week and saw Parrot that had gnawed all his own feathers off.... in your face!
Ginny, Jake And Arch
Hi guys,
Have to say just loving the piccies, they are great, especially the food ones from news year eve, it all looks so delicious! Also have to say you look gorgeous in your gold number em! And Christian you definiely have achieved that surfer look with the long locks- loving it dude. Well we're glad you are having a brilliant time, but we miss you loads and can't wait to catch up face to face over a pint or two, or three!!! arch sends you both a big sloppy kiss XXX
Daz And Els
Hi kids. Nice to see the pics. Christian looking ever more like a proper surfer dude. Em - nice to see you tanning nicely!! Them plates at new years looked huge. Shame about the portion size. That wouldn't fill me up you know!! I'm a growing boy! Did you get much stick from the locals about cricket? Bet you did. Hope you retaliated with a few convict gags. Got to keep these people in there place you know. It's bad enough they beat us at cricket but now i have to listen to two of them sing every night on "soapstar superstar."
Got to go now. Our son needs to concentrate on his training. Oh yes, he has the kick of the next Beckham already!
Take care guys
Daz and Els
p.s I'll get you a pair of scissors ready for when you get home Christian. Or should i say Jesus.