Taking Selfies Around The World
I love it here! Get to lie in, get up, go to the pool and sunbathe all day long which is pretty much what I did :D we even have a cute hammock on the porch in front of our room which I spent some time in reading a book and listening to music. Life doesn't get much better then this! Oh wait it does .... So tomorrow we get to go to a Total Wipeout course and see if we can complete it - so excited!! :D I'll let you know how it goes! Off out this evening with most of the group to find somewhere to eat and then maybe chill at a bar and chat. Should be good :) E x
- comments
Dad The boys will be totally jealous of you going on the wipe out course! Hopefully someone will video so we can all have a good laugh watching it when you get back ;-) xx
Cuzzie dom Oooo so jealous hehe wish I was there