We are now in Vang Vieng after what wasn't the best journey as there was a load of fog over the mountains so what was supposed to be 4-5 hours actually took 7-8 hours! Ohwell as predicted I did sleep a lot of it and then slept all night after we eventually found a nice well decent guesthouse. Today was a write off as it rained all day and night so we had a movie day in the TV room in the hostel with a lot of other people who we're staying here, it was kind of fun heading everyone else's story's. Later on i went for pizza with an American girl we have met as Jordan wasn't hungry. I nearly made a big mistake as being me and naive when the resteraunt offered me a happy menue I just thought they we're being nice- i'm glad I didnt order off that as it turns out if I would've have mushrooms on my pizza they wouldn't just have been normal mushrooms and I probally would've had some wiered dreams/ visions! Anyway lesson learnt; don't get anything with the word happy in!
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