Christchurch Jan 25th World Buskers festival
Christchurch hosts the world buskers festival for a week every January and i ended up going for five evenings in a row because it was so good and only 2 dollars for entrance, there was acts from all around the globe from Brazil to Australia to Russia to Africa. it was so so funny and a excellent location with the art centre out on the grass area, there was many people from the audience targeted for humour, there was a pavorotti look alike who came on and started performing a collection of olymic gymnasic moves, a couple of sisters from the usa who swapped there petit clothes with two bearded rough looking guys from the audience and my faviouate was the back street boys two young black guys from Los Angeles who just took the micky out of each other they were very quick with the whitty one liners and it didn´t at all seam rehearsed.
Christchurch Ethnic Football Tournament Feb 2nd
This event is held every year and lots of nationalities come to play and unify there team nation, well in this event 16 international teams entered, Well my team was called Latino and mostly consisted of Chilian players it was good apart rom the fact i didn´t understand the team talk which was in Spanish, the other teams in our group were South Africa, Poland, Nepal, and Chelsea which were not english but Chinese students. my main contribution in our first game was to concede a penalty however we won 6.1 and therefore i was a substitute in our second game against South Africa which we lost 4.1. Our next game was on sunday morning and we didn´t have a goalkeeper as he had to attend church so we gave away three crazy goals to draw and we was unable to qualify to the next stage, i watched as the New Zealand football side performed a traditional huka dance (like the All Blacks do) against a team of Japanese they must of been terrified poor guys, there was one interesting game that i wasn´t able to see between Afganistan and united nations, but overall it was great to see people of all nationalies in such a well organised event lots of specators turned up cheering flying there flags and a perfect weekend of sunshine and BBQ´s were flowing at the end of the games.
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