Ellie's latest entry
Cairns, Queensland
So i have reached the end of my Greyhound buspass, Cairns. This is the last stop for most people and unfortuantly this is where most of the group broke up and went our seperate ways. There was alot of "leaving drinks" going on for a couple of weeks. We all stayed at a hostel called Gilligans, it was a nice clean place and alot of …
Nanann Hi my love, - agree with Mum, blog is lovely, and we both enjoy reading it. I have tried to comment on it before, but I obviously did something wrong, and my efforts didn't go anywhere - I'm trying again. I've also texted you several times, but realised you hadn't received them (because I got no reply!!), but today, I found out why. Nobody had given my your Aussie phone number. That has now been remedied, and I will try again soon - well after all the Xmas things are finished probably. We've just had a really super day - went to Mum & Dad's - but not very early because they cooked Nana and Grandad's lunch first, so we went to K & K for a drink this morning, and I've seen all the family today - and will see them again tomorrow - all that is, except a certain important grand-daughter who is obviously having a ball - and we are delighted for you. The snow is beginning to disappear, good, and Norman went out with Mum on Wednesday to rescue her car - which after all her 'adventure' started immediately!! Anyway, it's back home now - well out on Oldhill actually, 'cos it's too icy at your house. Hope to speak to you tomorrow. Love you lots, Nanann
re: Hervey Bay, QueenslandMum Hi darling, sounds just your cup of tea, no one nagging you to get on and do something!! I'm almost hearing 'boring' in there somewhere but I'm impressed with the reading and your chatty blog. We are all fine, we had much more snow yesterday (Monday) and my car broke down in Tring but a guardian angel called Heather rescued me and I ended up staying at her house until this morning. Got to go back and get the car sometime but at the moment we have freezing fog so it may not be until tomorrow. Hope your room hasn't flooded with your thunder storm and that you are able to get to Fraser Island tomorrow. Have a fantastic time, look after yourself and Sophie and have a great Christmas - it sounds a special place, take lots of photos (even if they are only of your tent, we just want to see where you are!!) and we'll catch up with you when you can get a signal. Love you lots and lots and missing you Mum xxx000xxx
re: Hervey Bay, QueenslandBeverly Schools Hi Ellie, lovely to see what you're up to in Oz. Fraser Island should be pretty amazing - enjoy your Christmas there - I will think of you! We are currently up to our ears (well not quite) in snow! I am off work with chronic back pain which prevents me from sitting for more than 10 mins (especially at a computer) and cannot drive for more than 5 mins and cannot walk more than 50 yds! Great! Seeing consultant end of December. Look forward to your next instalment Love Bev
re: Hervey Bay, QueenslandDad Sorry about the one star didn't realise you have to go straight to five to register five!!xx
re: Brisbane, Queenslandluke thats some good blogging b! hope your having an amazing time love you so much xxxxxxx
re: Byron Bay, New South WalesHev Hello, Glad to hear you are having a great time, looks like you have made alot of new friends. Just looked at your photos, they are fab more like what you find on picture postcards! We look forward to the next blog entry. Take care, lots of love and and a big hug from Heather, Auntie Sue, Uncle John and Alisha xxxx
re: Byron Bay, New South Wales