Well i said i was off to do fruit picking and i am here in lovely Mildura!!! Been here a week and done four days of picking grapes and i have had enough already!!!! Its the hardest work ever! Well actually the job is fairly easy, just picking grapes off vines (if you ignore scraping your arms to bits and cutting your fingers to shreads). The main killer is the heat, at about 9 in the morning (we start work at 7 so the first 2 hours are ok) the sun is up and it just gets hotter and hotter till it reaches about 40 degres at about 11 and then you just want to die!!! sweat dripping and flies bugging you all day just drives you insane after a while. And dealing with all that for for about 7 hours a day for a misley 0.66 cents a bucket. If we are lucky we picked about 200 buckets a day so in total made about 70 dollers (30 -35 quid) each for a full days work!! Bloody slave labour!!!But after saying all that it has definatley been an experience i will never forget and its own little way quite enjoyable. You get lots of camoradory between people when you all meet at 5.30 in the morning making your sandwiches for lunch or maoning about the day you've had when you get back all sweaty, smelly and dirty, so glad i did it i guess.
Saying all that i am looking forward to getting out of hear which i should be doing on Sunday, off to Adeliade with some of the original group i came here with to do a medical trail testing thing for some easy cash and fast!! (as opposed to what i get here!!) So a new place for me which i am looking forward to, managing to get through them now! And hopefully in adeliade we are getting a car from someone (a friend is going home and giving it t us) so after the trail in Adeliade which last about 3 weeks we will get to drive down to melbourne or maybe even attempt the drive over to Perth! see how it goes i guess. So all is looking good i guess.
Anyway enough from me, hope you are all well back home and having fun. Hope to hear from you soon, would be really good to catch up with some of you, feeling like a bit of a lost sheep sometimes so would be good to get reaquinted with my life back home, which feels like a very distant memory sometimes!! Anyway take care, luv ya all loads
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