Hi Everyone! I am in an apartment it is really nice! I was in the pool a few minutes ago. I jumped in and it turned out to be quite shallow. My feet were kind of sore for quite a while afterwards! Buenos Aires (BsAs) is very pretty from the parts that I've seen. I have had a great time so far. But it is only 4 o'clock and I have to wait until 9 for my dinner! So that means that I am quite hungry now! Tomorrow we are planning to go on a bus tour to see and learn about BsAs and we might be able to see some people doing a Tango! The flight was really long. I slept for about 5 hours.
: )
- comments
[email protected] I like your t-shirt. Is it new? Was ur mam delighted to see you both? How is everyone? Guess what you have missed SNOW.