Hello everyone,
We are back from our trek was really good experience glad we done it. We got picked up at our hotel on Friday morning and drove to a market were we bought some food to cook for dinner at our camp, we saw all sorts like crocodile, squid, crickets, grub worms, pigs head. we then drove for 2 hours to a port were we had lunch and then got a boat to the elephant camp, which took about 2 hours. We then took a 2 hour elephant ride to our first hilltribe village, the elephant ride was really good we bought some bananas to feed the elephant on the way, it was amazing how the elphant could get up some of the narrow tracks and steep hills, we have some pictures to show you, kev was right on the edge of cliffs at some points.
When we got to our village there were loads of huts, our one was really nice, our room had only a mosquito net, blankets and pillows and we slept on the bamboo floor, the tiolets where asian so was basically a hole in the ground and the shower was a hose so freezing cold lol. Our tour guide cooked us some thai food which we tried, kev didnt like it and i also struggled, but it wasnt to bad. I was usprised kev even tried it lol.
The next day we we got up had breakfast and started our trek the first half wasnt to bad it was a really hot day and the climb was really steep, halfway up i got really ill and ditn think id get to the top but we couldnt go back so we done it slowly and we eventually got there 945 meters high. Because i was so ill we couldnt do the rest of the trek so we walked by road to the waterfalll and had a swim there unfortunatley i was still ill so we had to get a truck to our next camp, not sure wheather i was ill from the food the night before or just the trek an weather.
At our next camp i fell asleep for three hours but felt a little better when i woke up, we then gave all the village kids sweets which we had bought for them at the market the day before, they all qeued up as we handed them bundles of sweets, they were really excited. That night our tour guide cooked us english food because i was so sick, so we had chicken and chips.
That night there was a massive ranfall and our hut was right on the edge of a cliff so we were a little worried lol it would fall apart, but we were fine. The next day we got uo and had breakfast and then went to the Buma border, where we stopped at a cave with a biddah temple inside it was amazing we have lots of pics, usualy monkeys go down there but unfortunately we never saw any. Our next stop was the Golden Triangle, which was basically a river which divided three countries, there wasnt a lot there just a great veiw. We then went to the white temple whcih was so pretty the best temple weve seen so far, we have pictures of that as well. We then had a 2 hor drive back to our hotel, the whole experience was really good and were so glad we done it.
Tonight we just went to the red lion to have some dinner and i bought a dolce and gabana bag its really nice and a belly bar, kev got some tops. We have two more days left in chang mai and then we have an overnight train to bangkok and then a coach trip and a boat journey to Koh Phangan. We will write again soon and upload all the photos missing everyone loads. Glad missy is better now, we saw a puppy of a barnydog today he was really cute. Well take care love you lot and lots elise and kevin
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