Hello everyone,
Well its been a little while since we have written, on our last day of Singapore we went to China town on the MRT (an underground train) it is so fast and you can get one every 3 minutes. anyway china town was nothing like the one in Kuala Lumpur, it was mainly just shops instead of stalls, but it was still good. We then got our flight to Cairns, we had to stop off in darwin on the way and whilst there are plane got delayed by 2 hours so we ended up waiting around for 4 hours, we finally got on our plane at 6 in the morning absoloutly knackerd and arrived in cairns for about 10ish.
Once there we went to 'Bohemia resort' and went to the shop to get some food to cook, which was really expensive. We then got transfered to our actual hostel 'Bohemia Central' lol, which was much better because it was in the middle of everything as the other one was quite out of the way. Once checked in we sunbathed down by the pool for a while and then went off to bed after being so tired.
We eventually woke up at 8 30 and decided to go out for the night, we went to a club called Gilligans, which was really good, it had to seperate music rooms and outside terrace bit, and the drinks where buy one get one free at the begining. We ended up spending about as much on a night out as we would at home though, so were not going to be able to go out as much here. We then done our usual stop off at mcD on the way back and woke up very hungover the next morning lol.
The next day we went to the lagoon which was lovely, its this big lido in the middle of Cairns, the water is sooo cold lol, but its nice to get out of the heat once your in it. We then booked a tour to the barrier reef for the next day and went tot he cinema that night to see terminator, which was ok lol. When we came out of the cinema there was about 500 kids outside all queing to come in lol with pillows and we had to go out the back exit of the cinema, which completely confused us lol. Apparently it was this thing called a movie marathon they were queing for so i think they must stay in the cinema over night because it was 11 betime we came out.
So the next day was our reef trip, i booked to do a certified dive and kevin booked to do snorkelling, we had breakfast lunch included with wine on the way home, although i never saw any of that as i fell asleep on the way back lol. The dive was amazing i done the first one and bought an underwater camera to take some photos, i saw nemo finally, and a giant clam, which when the divemaster put her hand near starting closing up. Kev saw some fish to, he saw a starfish lol and we also saw this one called walle lol, we dont know what fish it is but it was massive lol. We then went to a different location where i paid to do a second dive, as we got told we'd see turtles and sharks (which we didnt lol) but i did see some parrot bull fish or something like that, they where really huge about 10 of them, and me and kev saw some really colourfull big fish when i came up to do some snorkelling after my second dive.
We got back from the reef abou 5 and ended up falling asleep back at the hostel as we were exhausted, we then woke up about 7 and decided to go to a club called the woolshed, which was recommended to us by some people we met in Gilligans the other night. At first when we went in there it didnt look that good just a pub and people where sat down eating, but there was really cheap 2for1 drinks again, but the vodka was horrible at first so kev ended up with 4 vodkas and cokes lol i then went and tried it with lemonade which was a little better but not much, but after the one i found i got used to the taste and it was fine lol.
Sfter about an nour in there it started livining up a bit, and people where dancing on the floor and tables and it was actually quite fun, me and kev done some dancing lol. We then wen over to O'Briens and irish bar, which was also quite good and bumped into the dive bloke that took me down for my second dive during the day, so we had a drink with them. We then went back and woek up with another bad hangover the next afternoon.
We went back down to the lagoon for the rest of that day, and went back done some washing, packed our bags, and looked around the night market, we also had a didgeridoo lesson lol and ended up buying a smallish one lol, so along with our flute thing we bought from thailand we will be starting a wooden band when we get home lol. We then went for dinner at O'Briens, which was good value for money and had an early night ready to get up at 5 to get a bus for 7 to mission beach.
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