It was a very early start to get to Pacific Harbour we woke up about 5 30/6 to get ready to catch a taxi at 6 30 to take us there. We had to be there before 8 as i was getting picked up to do my shark dive.
The journey wasnt long tho and by 7 15 we were at uprising hotel where we were spending the night. We checked in at the counter but unfortunately couldnt get in our room as they were sill fixing it up. So we went and got some breakfast and i nearly missed the pick up to the diving centre but luckily they turnt around and i made it.
Once at the centre i got all my dive gear sorted out and payed the balance off for the dive before boarding the boat. There was me another girl around my age, a man from australia who had done the same dive several times before and a new zealand couple. Once the boat set off i started getting a bit worried, but the man from oz said it was amazing and it would all be fine and the sharks dont eat you lol. He also had a digital underwater camera with him and he said hed take some photos which he would give to me after so that was really nice of him.
The boat journey took about half hour and we got breifed along the way, the first dive we had to go down to 30mtrs and i was only qualified tog o 18mtrs and so was the other girl but that didnt seem to matter lol. Once we stopped the boat the crew chucked a few bits of food in which the fish started snatching at. We all then got in the water and folloed the line down, once at the bottom the crew bought down a big bin full of food and started feeding the fish, there was a massive swarm just around the bloke giving out the food, there was so many fish it was amazing. They said they do this because the noise of the other fish attract the sharks.
So we then went up a bit to 15 metres where they fed more fish and then we went up to around 4 metres where all the sharks were and we sat behind a wall of coral whilst they fed the sharks, the bloke feeding them had a metal mesh on his arm so he never got bitten and one shark had hold of his arm for about 5 minutes but he said he couldnt feel it. The sharks were so big and so many of them, they swam right over my head a few times and i had to duck, it wasnt frightening once you were down there at all.
We then made our way back to the surface and had to have about an hour break on the boat so our bodies could recover from the pressure, we got given cookies and tea whilst we sat around and then got breifed on our second dive. This dive we were supposed to see tiger sharks and bull sharks although we got warned they hadnt seen many lattely, the man from oz said hed done the dive the other day though and he saw a massive tiger shark, which he showed me on his laptop when he gave me the pictures from the dives.
When we went down the second time they fed the fish again this time with massive tuna heads, and then we waited for the sharks we had to lay on our bellys for this one at the bottom a little bit away from the bloke feeding the fish. However no sharks came so we swam around for a while and we saw a baby lion fish which was lovely, a morai eel and a turtle so that was gd but not sharks :(.
After the dive we got taken back to the centre were we changed and got driven back to our accomodation, the man from oz said he would come round to our hotel around lunchtime to give me the photos which was gd. When i got back kev had been reading and on the internet whilst i was gone as we couldnt get into our room. At out hotel they done some free acivities one which was horse boarding which sounded intresting lol so me and kev was going to give that a go but after just getting out of the water and showered i dint fancy getting back in again so kev had a go. A woman showed him how to do it at first and she fell off a few time, then kev had a go. It was basically a horse with a rope attached to it which kev held the end of whilst in the water on a surf board and then the horse ran along the shore an pulled kev along lol. He fell off loads but after a few goes he got the hang of it, it looked really gd and fun and kev loved it. He then had a go on a knee board which was much easier as he dint have to balance and he said it felt alot quicker, but he fell off that too after hitting a big wave and trying to do a little jump lol
Whilst kev was doing that i got the photos from the australian man and then me and kev got showered and was eventually aloud in our room, we then went down to the restraunt and had lunch and then kev played a little footy with some young boy and then he played volleyball with all the workers at the hotel, I had a bit of a sleep as i was so tired. In the evening we had our dinner and got an early night as we were going to Volivoli beach the next day which was a really lomg journey so il write about that next time xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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