Long time no speak! Turns out I can't post updates on here from my tablet, which sucks because I need to steal someone's computer to share things. My friends have just got back from their holiday away so I've managed to steal her laptop again- thanks Gemma!!
So much to update, I was dog and house sitting for my friends in Melbourne while they went back to the UK for Christmas and New Year. It was cool to get my first taste of living alone, and trying to feed myself and 2 hungry beagles! I had lots of people I could call if I needed help which was a nice reassurance. I worked a lot to save some money, and went out with friends and the dogs when I wasn't. I had a wonderful Christmas with an old family friend on the other side of Melbourne, it was lovely to have been welcomed into their home on Christmas and meet all their family. I got a surprise parcel of presents from back home, which made me pretty emotional even though they were all funny! It was nice to have some home comforts, as it was my first Christmas away from home. I spent boxing day with some friends I made while living here, and was welcomed into their family so amazingly! Then I had a backpacker friend I met in the city come to stay for 3 days- it was nice to have someone to share the house with and to talk to and cook food with, I was going crazy talking to myself and the dogs all the time.
I celebrated New Years at a house party where I knew one person, and left with so many new friends! A few years ago I would have been the awkward one in the corner of the room too shy to make friends, but now here I am in Australia on my own, able to go to a party where I know one person, and have an amazing night making new friends (and playing battle shots- apple sourz are not my friends...).
Then the most amazing news, I went swimming with dolphins and seals! I saw a leaflet in a shop a while ago, and thought it would be so cool but that I'd never get round to doing it or it'd be too expensive, but after looking into it I realised I could afford it and I should do it, because I don't know when I'll next get the chance to swim with wild seals and dolphins for $150! I was happy to go alone but after mentioning it to my friend he was keen to join, so we booked in and went last Sunday! Such an amazing day, I wouldn't have been happy if the animals were in captivity or if there was food involved, but they were completely wild and there was only limited interaction- the dolphins just swam underneath us fleetingly, but I could have reached out and touched them if I wanted! The seals were so inquisitive and playful, and you could swim alongside them face to face! If you duck-dived down they would come and dive down with you and play and swim with you, such an unreal experience!
In other news, I quit my job! They found out I was leaving a lot sooner than expected, I wasn't given many shifts and didn't get on well with them, so as I wasn't enjoying it anyway I just left. It's a shame I'll have a bit less money to travel with, but I'd rather not compromise my happiness for a little bit more money! I would have been unhappy had I stayed there much longer so I just quit while we were even and I can deal with the money problem later on in my travels, if the problem arises. So I can spend the last 10 days in Melbourne hanging out with friends and doing cool things, and saying goodbye to everyone! :( I'm going to miss this place, and considering I was originally going to stay here a few weeks I've got pretty attached in the 3 months I've been here! But I feel my time has come to a wonderful end, and now it's time to explore the rest of Australia and make new friends. I will miss the people I've met- definitely made some friends for life though!
As soon as I leave Melbourne I'm not sure when I will next get the chance to use a computer to update this, I'll maybe try a different way I can use my phone or tablet to put pictures and stories up!
Peace out xoxo
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