The Bowman Adventures
We've found what we were dreaming of whilst at work for the last 4 months -paradise. Not quite backpacking but the 4 hour journey from Saigon was strenuous! We decided to escape the noise of the city after Ed had been satisfied with a no. of war sites and firing an AK47. Now staying at bamboo village beach resort Ed having a shoulder massage to take away the recoil strain from the gun!!!
Will spend the nxt 4 nights here sunning ourselves maybe try some kite/sand surfing if we can drag ourselves away from the loungers.
Hope everyones well, and the sun's shining with you too this easter!
P.S. Abbo: - please be aware before you make any more announcements that the messages written are read by all- so secrets may not be safe
P.P.S - congrats T and Toni!!
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