Thought I'd better change my welcolme message for once... so welcolme again! Hope all you regular readers have been enjoying my irregular updates. Those who don't check the site enough and don't post messages on the message board- start! Afterall you only have a few months of this site left before I'm back... and Ive now got video's on here too... I'm one high tec traveller. Anyway enough of the ramblings... happy reading/looking/watching
once more mr parkinson has graced the site with a most articulate post, a true gentleman. i wonder if this will this be the last post before you return to the uk?? looking forward to seeing you again, seems like a long time since i waved you off at heathrow.
in response to alan's post (my new online best friend) all i can say is that using ed's travels as a back drop it has been a pleasure conversing with you over the internet. it is with a certain amount of sadness that i sign off from this message board... never to post again. i would venture to say that you will not see a finer message board on the whole of the site.
the 1+1 club will continue of course, yet will no longer have a public forum to debate over. i suggest that the first born of any 1+1 member inherits the honour. perhaps in 1000 years there will be a reunion of decendants from the original members, who knows. i look forward to seeing the legendary betting prowess in action one day soon.
see you soon, bro, and farewell statraveljournals,
yours humbly,
Big Brother
Given the ever-dwindling amount of days 'til you are back Tedward I thought it only right to ensure I get at least one more post on the site. You seem to have had an incredible time and have benefited in many ways (experience, tan and lumping on brother's hunches abilities). The pictures have been informative, inspiring yet sometimes quirky (container ship) and have kept us all entertained! BB has provided me with much banter-related relief and I am edging ever closer to making my racing come back! Maybe now you've started entering comments on your site attempt to join the 1+1 club? I believe there's a tie!! On the back of BB's black 11 hunch I have a hunch of my own????a century in the SMCC match I watch by a certain gentleman??.you know who! Odds of 1,000,000-1 seem fair? Anyway it's been a pleasure to post on this site and revel in all sorts of banter. Looking forward to all the reunions and dogs and stories told of travelling. Alan (5+2)
The Creator
Well, after 7 and a half months I thought I'd write my first message on my own site.
Andrew- tis true, the variety of communications has deminished somewhat in the past months. Think this is the novetly of this sites novelty wearing off for most people, the creation of and perhaps everyone getting used to the fact that I've been gone for so long!
Although, by looking at the number of views on the pictures people obviously still look at the site. Still slightly worried about the perve out there who keeps looking at my Magnetic Isalnd pictures- 250 views? The update emailo only goes to 50 people!!
Perhaps i should offer a prize for everyone who writes something constructive here from now until my return??!!!
the pooing 'smiley' i tried to use doesn't seem to have worked.. now it looks as if i was actually having a poo as a wrote the message. which obviuosly i would never do......... kerry... kerry,... please will you check????
hang on a minute i'm having a poo.... aaagghhh...plop...ahh thats better ooohhh here comes another one...ahh ... and another.... ohhh they just keep on coming...plop... ahhh someone help me......oohh that one hurt... oh no not another one...agghhh
be good to have you back in a couple of weeks. in the meantime i am having subliminal feelings about black 11....??? i will leave it up to you with what you do with this info.
A x (1+3)
ps please note that apart from alan and there has only been one non family member post since mid march. that just goes to show that no matter how far away you are its your family that still hassle you.
Having a break from painting sis house went on facebook and thought i would see if you could actually surf? You look a bit wobbly, think you should have gone to Mojo. Heeee.
See you soon.
P.s i have got to get a job and a life, i'm addicted to facebook.
ok i understand. at least i understand in the way that you tell your french teacher you understand the conjugation of the an awkward verb, just so they stop making you look stupid!!!.... just how big can a mini celebation get before it graduates to a subdued full celebration.. like the couldn't give a damn look and slight fist punch freddie flintoff gives when he has just ripped a batsmans off stump out of the ground.. is that a mini celbration? only ask as 2 of my virtual horses won today and i think i did a mini celebration, but i'm not sure if i pushed it too far or not?
the racing thing is actually alot harder than it seems, but i think i have a learnt a lot about it, so if you want to pick the training whip up again (so to speak) let me know and i will give you some tips...
I'll re-phrase and explain. Banter comes in many forms and be explained in any number or combination of different words which will best explain the category of banter, no matter how remote. This banter should maybe ahve been phrased like so;
Ed's site, big brother, simple maths-betting banter!
I hope this makes it a bit clearer! The general rule of thumb is the more obscure the banter the larger the mini celebration that is required to celebrate it.
A mini celebration is the clenching of the fists and a slight curving of the back curling your head downwards. A famous and more recent example could be seen when Wayne Rooney scored against AC Milan in the final minute of the Semi final of the champion's league last week. The typical position was assumed but on the floor on his knees as the joy of the occasion became too much for Mr Rooney.
I hope this has cleared this matter up for you.
I may consider re-igniting my racing career, however after a disasterous first couple of races both mine and my horses confidence is low.
i have read your message about 5 times and i'm not quite sure i understand it.. i mean i understand the individual words its the combination of them which is confusing me....i need more explanation i think. regarding virtual raceclubs, i introduced ed to it. he told me you ran a horse or two and was wondering if you are still doing it? my stable has been active again for the last few months. check it out if you want go to website and search Andy Miller under owners. email me if you want: andrewmiller @ ntlworld . com
oddly enough i also got 5+5... is this a sign?
'Ed's site big brother simple maths betting banter'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Andy, this is where a mini celebration comes in. Has Ed ever briefed you on this activity or would you like me to explain?
anita ok i was already jealous ... so beautiful
re: photo from 09 May 2007Grandma Hello, Having a break from painting sis house went on facebook and thought i would see if you could actually surf? You look a bit wobbly, think you should have gone to Mojo. Heeee. See you soon. Suzie:) P.s i have got to get a job and a life, i'm addicted to facebook.
re: And up!