Today I waved the boys off when they got their bus to Brisbane at about 9:30am and then used some of the time by myself to go off and explore around Mooloolaba on a bike.
I found there was a little 1ft wave out on the town beach, and the further towards Noosa you went, the bigger it got. 5 minutes further down, where we had walk to the day we arrived, there was a 1-2ft wave with the local old boys on long boards cruising a reef.
I then cycled another 10 minutes on to the next small town, as there is a really good cycle path along the beach front, to where I could see a load guys out surfing.
When I got there I sat and watched about 8/9 local guys out absolute RIPPING. There was a right hander off a rocky outcrop/reef into a sandy bay, breaking about 2/3ft with the occasional 4ft set. The guys surfing it were pulling air reverses and getting barrelled on every set which came though, it was really impressive. It's a shame I didn't have my camera from hone or I could have got some really good photos.
After a bit more of an explore around Mooloolaba on the bike, I went back to the hostel. I packed up all my stuff and then smashed out 4/5 fried eggs on bread for lunch.
After lunch I just had a shower and chilled around the hostel. I also spoke to Canadian Megan from back at Spot X. That gave me pretty mixed emotions - it was so nice to hear from them and realise they missed me, but on the other hand nothing changes there really, so im glad I left and moved on to something new.
Not long after Fenella came and picked me up. It was a very strange feeling - in a way we felt like complete strangers as we didn't really recognise each other, but I still seemed to be perfectly confident speaking to her as if we had met before (6 years ago at the camping parties!).
Anyway we got back to their house in about 15/20 mins, south and a little inland from Mooloolaba. What a house they have! It is kind of upside down - big kitchen/dining room, living room, Marks work room and my Bedroom upstairs. Then all the other bedrooms and bathroom downstairs, all with doors out onto a patio near the pool. (I will have to take a video as a virtual your of the house).
Having been introduced to everyone etc I played a bit of X-Box with Diggor and talked to Mark and Cecily. Diggor and Mark I recognised from the camping paries but Cecily looks completely different.
That evening we went out to the pub for dinner, accompanied by Fenella's mum, who is similar to Win, but more talkative and very posh!
We had a fantastic meal which I was very greatful for - I had a full Rack of ribs (under strong recommendation from the family as they are very tastey as its a challenge to eat...obviously I smashed the lot..).
After dinner we came back and they educated me into 'Aussie Rules' as we watched a game on TV.
By about 10pm we were all really tired and went to bed. It's an absolute luxury having a room all to myslef that's for sure!
(Photo - one of the left hand waves I watched the locals surf for over an hour)
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