So now I have an ear infection after snorkelling with Matt in the bay yesterday. It hurts but isn't really too bad, so I tired some drops to hopefully help it.
We had breakfast at Pacific Inn where we are staying, then ordered scooters with board racks on from the guy next door (who takes to Shipwrecks in his boat). We loaded them up with our kit for the day, and headed off to explore the island. Out plan was to first go right up to the Northern tip, where there is a mangrove forrest to see. It barely even took us 10 minutes to get there, and it was so worth it. The Northern beaches are bright white and dead calm, with seaweed farms a bit further out.
Having taken photos etc we went another 10 minutes to the east, down a terrible road, to the mangrove forest. For $15 for all 4 of us a local guy took us on a route through the forest in a punting boat, which was awesome.
When we got back to the scooters we then decided to drive down most of the eastern coastline, to a bridge onto the neighbouring island, called "?!?!!!?". The bridge was an adventure in itself - a tiny suspension bridge only just wide enough to ride a scooter down, with a wooden plank bottom (in places with gaps nearly big enough to fit a scooter wheel!). Having made it across we drove 15 minutes or so to the only surf spot on the island, "?!?!?!".
This was an absolutely beautiful place, called 'Secret Beach'. Funnily enough there was a really nice little beach hidden under the cliffs, surrounded by rugged looking volcanic cliffs. On the headland next to where the left hand reef break is the sickest new cafe thing. You can buy beers and food etc, and they pump out music you can hear from the water! In the chaired area of the little cafe there are 2 'cliff jumping' platforms, one 10m high, and the other probably about 6-7m. Having all done the big one once, we decided that was enough, we had blast on the lower one.
Matt had his GoPro with him, so we were taking videos etc while jumping off, and under the water etc.
Having done enough of that we had some lunch and drinks, then Saskia, Joey and I went for a surf. It was far from brilliant (1-2ft lefts closing out a lot), but good fun all the same. Plus watching the local Indo kids surfing was mind blowing as usual.
Later on when we had all had enough, we hopped back on the scooters and went to finish our loop of Lemnongan. It barely takes an hour to go round the south end and back up to where we were staying in the harbour.
On the way we stopped at a temple which you had to climb a big up big jungle style staircase which was cool, and dropped in at the company who we were getting the boat with tomorrow to tell them where to pick us up.
When we got back we were all pretty spent from a brilliant day, especially as it had been clear skies and so hot all day. We went for a dip in the ocean to cool off, then read etc for a while, before getting ready to go for dinner...a shower and put on a dry pair of boardshorts!
We went back to our favourite restaurant from the previous day, as the food was just so good. It ended up being the most expensive meal of the trip...about $20 each. We all had the Lasagne, which is the best I have ever eaten (bar Mum's, obviously), deserts and Long Island Ice Teas.
All a bit merry, and completely exhausted, we were back and crashed by 10pm. By which time my ear was absolutely killing me.
(Photo - Early morning walk at extreme 'spring' low tide the next morning. It was beautifully quiet with only the locals out in the punting boats on the seaweed farms at 6am - no tourists to be seen).
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