I woke up at 7:30am this morning, packed up all my stuff into my board bag, had a quick breakfast and headed off to the Immigration office. Fortunately the weather was overcast but dry, so it wasn't such a bad drive. One that thing is really noticeable though is when it's dry and your driving in the city, the air is SO thick with fumes. Especially on the scooter behind lorries it's hard to breathe.
The only reason I had to go to the Immigration office was to pay $25 for my new VISA. Thats it. I was expecting to be able to go in, show my receipt, give them the money and leave. Oooh no that would make was too much sense! Instead I was given a number like last time, and told to wait for it to he called. Baring in mind they were at No.3 when I sat down, and I was No.19 I was far from impressed. Having tried to jump the que and failed, I then sat and waited for over an hour.
When I was called up it took 2 seconds to hand over the money, and be told it was SIX days before I had to come back and collect my passport and new VISA?! After asking why the hell it takes so long, I found out there are a couple of Balinese holidays coming up, so apparently the whole country just stops for a few days.
I then headed back to Villa Serenity to meet up with Saskia who had arrived back in Bali. Having never driven from the airport to Canggu before and not recognising any of the roads, i ended up doing a giant loop around the city, which I only realised when I saw the same shops for the second time. In a really crap mood I stopped and ate Mc D's for lunch, then tried again, asking people on the side of the road every 5 minutes where to go.
I got back to Canggu a few hours later sweaty, tired and feeling as if I had been working in a coal mine. I jumped in the pool to freshen up, after which I felt much better.
For the few remaining hours of the arvo I sat by the pool in the sunshine and started reading the 2nd book in the 'Mellenium' series that Saskia had bought, and finished in Thialand. I had a really good time in Uluwatu, despite barely being able to surf, but it was nice to be back in familiar surroundings and just kick back.
When it started to cool down and cloud over I had a shower, and Saskia I went to Echo beach to drop off my rented scooter and get some mixers. Joey had left me a small bottle of Vodka when he left Bali, so we decided it was a good opportunity to sink it and catch up this evening.
We had just walked back to Serentiy when it started to drizzle, and then an almightly storm rolled in. After we had eaten and were just sitting around having a few drinks it was like a hurricane had arrived. It left the wind was going to rip the roof off our room.
(Photo - My favourite place, the Immigration office).
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