Jane Holdaway
this is for Mike and Jo
Hi both - hope you are well.
Ed tells me you have now sold your house and looking to move .
I am in the middle of decorating our lounge/diner so whole house is a mess - but maybe able to fit in their stuff after end June or early July. Does this help ?
Mike Fry
Hi Al, got message from Lin that you are having comms problems re Skype etc which explains not hearing from you. We had a fab holiday in Egypt but reading your blogs nothing like the sort of adventures you are having!
Looking forward to speaking to you soon, love Dad and Jo xxx
Mike Fry
Hi Al, got message from Lin that you are having comms problems re Skype etc which explains not hearing from you. We had a fab holiday in Egypt but reading your blogs nothing like the sort of adventures you are having!
Looking forward to speaking to you soon, love Dad and Jo xxx
Hi Al and Ed - Ive posted your skype message so everyone can see. You two must have looked a picture paddling in opposite directions (wish I could have seen that one!!). You'd think Al that you;d have learnt by now about launching yourself off rafts but it appears not - good job you didnt get swept away! Glad your having a great time and dont worry if you cant message that often. Was really good to hear from you. Love mummy and Joe xx
Hi everybody - received the below skype before 4 this morning. As you'll read theyre having a fab time -
Hey mum sorry we are absolutely fine. It's really hectic at the moment and we are never anywhere with internet for very long and we also have to pay for it!! All is really good here I loooove new Zealand there is so many fun things to do here! I climbed a mountain the other day and did a 20km walk! Type into Google mount doom new Zealand (its the mountain in lord of the rings) and you'll see it! It took me 1hr 40 to climb it was so steep almost like rock climbing and an hour to get down again. Coming down was way harder. Ed did a sky dive as well from 15,000ft which he loved. We have a video so will work out how to send it soon. We did white water rafting yesterday morning- it was just me and edin a boat which was scary as the river was a grade 5! I threw myself out of the raft again too. I ended up getting back into the boat in a hurry and then realised I was sat with my back to ed and we were both paddling in opposite directions! We are going over to south island on the ferry tomorrow morning :) really sorry we haven't had a chance to call you on Skype we are only ever in places for a couple of days and so are out exploring most of the time to make the most of it. Things should calm down when we get to oz though. Can you pass this on to dad too?? Miss you and love you lots xxx
Mike Fry
Hi Both, hope your having a fab time in NZ. It already feels as if you have been away for ages and you have only just begun your adventure!! All well at home but it seems a little quiet at times!!
Have fun and we look forward to your next blog update.
Love Dad and Jox
Hey Al and Ed - hope you're both enjoying NZ. Really enjoying reading your blog updates (good job you can touch type Al - well nearly). Miss you lots.
Love Mum xx
Mike Fry
Hi Alex and Ed, glad to her from your WHATSAP message that you are safely in NZ. Imagine the time Zone change is a bit bewildering but hope you can now enjoy a lot of SHEEP (4 legged)!!
All good in Bristol! Looking forward to you next blog update/ Skype call. Love you ! Dadxx
Hi Ed & Alex -
Hope your journey to NZ went ok - look forward to seeing photo's soon.
No winners for you on premium bonds this month- sure things will change soon.
Mum and Dad xxx