Kolins Travels
Hey all thought Id get around to another journal entry! It must be said I have been slack!
Im still hanging in Brisbane at the moment - Ive had about 4 jobs so far- one which I quit after 1 hour, the reason being the boss handed out pages of the phonebook to call people from!! Yes, there are alot of professional businesses here- not!! ha ha Telemarketing and sales are big over here - Australian sales training consisted of a brief talk - "just talk to them like your mates"- I kid you not!! Anyway now I have a steady job - its still phonework but it beats waiting on tables!!
Im now living in a shared house with 7 others from Oz (Larissa), Sweden (Maria), Germany (Nina), Wales (Gaz), Belgium (Kristoff) and Scotland (Steve). In hostels there's usually someone highly intoxicated making noise and it has been me er...on the odd occasion of course!. Its good to have a some space for a change!
Ive been in a yacht race at Manley Bay and had to assist with the steering of the boat - typically beers were also supplied during the race! I think we came fourth or something. I remember looking over the side into the jellyfish packed water thinking not a good time to fall in!!
Ive also been to the Koala Sanctury here which also had reptiles and kangeroos. The weather was steaming and I got to feed my first kangeroos. I was pretty sad paying $15 to hold a koala but it had to be done. It seems alot of famous people have been there too - pictures of Cher, Mariah Kerry, Clinton etc. My favourite was the picture of G Unit holding a koala! ha ha (hardcore)
Last weekend I witnessed the Brisbane Fire Water festival - its celebrated more than New Year apparently. Millions of dollars worth of fireworks were launched from the River, Bridges and buildings - it was pretty amazing viewing all in time to music. Plus 2 fighter jets flew overwith their after burners on! Its was a memorable moment - especially as it was free!!
I think I will leave Brisbane in around 4 weeks time heading for Byron Bay- its been good to stop travelling and settle for a bit but I feel I need to move on.
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