High as a Kite
Hey Everyone,
So we've just finished our first 2 weeks of travelling on the beautiful Island of Coche. Our time has been spent mostly on the fantastic turquoise waters kitesurfing on Christian and Karine's kite clinic. Gemma has been ripping (not only the smell from her pants), she can now be seen soaring straight into the sky with a cheeky little grab here and there and she has also started front and back looping!! Andrew has started kite looping and moving onto some powered up unhooked manouvers! We have had good company for the past couple of weeks and even bumped into some of the worlds top kitesurfers.
All is so good that we've decided to spend another week to perfect our skills before chasing some surf!
The island of Coche is full of wildlife, Parrots regularly raid the tables when you're eating and we're trying to teach them as many foul words as possible (between there death swoops!). Gemma has adopted a manky old dog called Wendy 'Worms' who gave birth to 6 puppies a couple of days ago and are hiding in a bush outside our room. Please note that the father has not been to see his kids the whole time!! Single motherhood can be tough in this part of the world, especially when Gemma eats any possible leftovers the dog's could have!
Gemma and I have tried a spot of Salsa dancing since we've got here, according to Gemma it can be done to any type of music, certainly livens up YMCA after a few too many Coobralebras (rum, coke and mucho lime).
Adios for now chicos and chicas!
Keep posting, we have a boat to catch now!
Gemma and Andrew
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