Hello luv! Just spent a fun half hour reading, looking at pictures and watching videos. What an experience. Hope you are well now. It looks wonderful and I am full of admiration for you. Send more. Look forward to reading the next enstalment.
Big hug Sue xx
Wow, the days are sounding really interesting and fun.
I wish I could come and explore with you for a while.
When are you off to Bali?
You must email Alice before you go hey?
Miss you so much gorgeous woman,
The leaves are starting to turn yellow on the mossvann,
Time to light candles again and find the light switches.
No earth shattering news from here
Endre feels fiji university for oneness is most likely as powerful.
I am considering this one for when i go.
Love you love you love you xxxx
"It's a beautiful day! The birds are swaying and the trees are singing!"
"I KNOW, I know, I know! Let's go pot-holing in Croatia" And you're thinking "yes, I know someone who can drive us! Me!"
Take car, luv
"Chocolate bread!! And that's how they start the day!!! It's only going to escalate from there!!"
Savne deg masse, håpe du har det bra :)
Oh la la, reading your latest blog put a big smile on my face, love seeing the photos too.
Wow, go girl!
Miss you zillions, but as you say; someone's gotta do it hey! xxxx
Hei Vilde og pappa,
Tenkte paa dere foerste skoledag! Haaper dere faar et supert skoleaar. Her paa Fiji har ungene akkurat fatt vinterferie, ganske rart aa tenke paa.
Stor klem fra Trude
Hei Trude! I dag var første skole dag, vi savnet deg masse! God tur videre. Skal hilse fra pappa. Hilsen Vilde!
P.S. Vi følger med
Hi goreous, very excited to see you have already written and we can actually see you!
This is just the beginning, how funny it will all seem when the flow takes over and it all becomes natural. Hope you find the beaches and all the underwater glory of fiji. Swimming and sunning and hanging in your idylic little hut somewhere exotic sipping icy fruit drinks with pineapple scented coconut oil smothered from head to toe. Sending love and enormous blessings xxxxx
Leste bloggen idag;Keep your head up - den lille lonelystunden var bare et intermezzo.... Ha en fin reise til neste stopp!
High rooler you. Høres ut som det går bra i fijiland, kjekt You ain't missin' out on to much back 'ere, dah'lin'!!
Ha det fortsatt fint <3
Hei Trude
Nå har jeg sendt mail m midlene jeg mener du kan få mest bruk for. Ha en fantastisk tur videre!!
Varm hilsen Cathrine
Hei Trude, så kjekt å lese om det du opplever. Virker som et veldig kjekt folkeslag, ivrige til å hjelpe og dele. Må være en god plass å begynne en slik tur.
Følger ivrig med :-)
Vi har nydelig vær i dag og prøver å komme oss en tur ut i seilebåten senere. Blir bare en overnatting men godt å komme seg ut litt.
Kos deg videre.
Klem fra Elisabeth og Danil - han gikk ut for å finne seg bjørnebær i hagen :-) Snakkes.