Moscow has been so much more than we expected. Since they got rid of the communist this massive power is moving. It has great wealth and no debt.
Our paradigms of KGB and grey buildings are disappearing and certainly are not represented around the kremlin or red square. The museums display amazing wealth, thousands of big diamonds and precious stones, with gold measured by the tonne.
Not much English spoken so a guide is essential but we have had a great look. The people are pretty dower but it seems the next generation is fast enjoying western luxury and styles. GUM is a massive shopping centre the equal of any in the world for quality goods.
The metro is amazing at around 100m deep fed by 140m elevators to simply beautiful stations. This system moves 6 million people per day.
The peak hour traffic is horrendous basically gridlocked with cars parked everywhere incl double parked.
Our hotel is fabulous and the weather is great.
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