( Photo taken from top of Swiss Family Robinson house looking down)
We were up even earlier than usual this morning, if that is possible. For our first day at Magic Kingdom, I had a sneaky plan of attack to beat the crowds. We had a breakfast reservation that placed us inside the park 50 minutes before opening.
It was also a 'Character meal' which means Disney character come to your table to sign autographs and pose for photos. The 7 yr old was so very excited to meet all 4 main Winnie the Pooh characters. It was a yummy breakfast with the famous Mickey waffles and breakfast lasagne. Mmm mmm good!
After the Friendship Day Poohrade, we hot-tailed it out of there with a great position at rope drop.
I see why they say to see Magic Kingdom as close to the end of your trip as possible so that it doesn't eclipse the other parks. It is clearly the main event. There are live shows happening all the time. I expected to finally experience lines.... But no!!!This was our best day, ride-tally wise, with 5 rides seen by the 12:00 pm.
What did we do next? We went home. I have been coughing up my guts for a couple days, and the 2 younger boys had headaches. It was a hot day, and I really want the kids' Disney experience to be a memory of having a great time, not being dragged around with a hot aching head.
After a little rest, we trooped to the pool for some pool party /water slide time.
I didn't even go in with my flu, but sat poolside licking my wounds. We popped home to get changed for dinner, before going back to the pool area to roast marshmallows and do an African-animal-sound activity.
Zac only told me how horrible he was feeling as we were lining up for our African buffet dinner at the neighboring African resort: Jambo House.
He seems to have a bad flu. All aches and super-sensitive nerve endings. He could hardly eat, poor mite. We gobbled and left. He was fast asleep before 8 pm. Incidentally, the food was amazing- the six soups were to die for, let alone the meats and sides and the amazing desserts.
The 7 yr old and I went down to the open air showing of Phineas and Ferb movie.
He had a great day, but getting to sleep took a while and lots of reassurance after a couple if the rides we did. Tomorrow, I will research better. Like he said as he hugged me close tonight: ' I am only 7, which is a little boy and some things are scary for me.'
Hopefully Zac is better tomorrow. He already missed out on Animal Kingdom. :(
Tomorrow, day 2 at Magic Kingdom! As we are ahead of ourselves on our 2 day touring plan- I am personally going to do the last couple headliner rides and then stay in the centre area to spot characters (for autographs and photo ops) and to see the puce shows up close.
Our strategy of getting there early and leaving early us going well!
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