(15 December)
Was up mega early to fly to Perth! Got though security around 10 mins before boarding time and was told you have to buy alcohol at least 1 hour before boarding because of australian rules - minus craic! So instead of the mega cheap £8 a litre I had to buy in the duty free in Perth which was about £15 a litre! Very unimpressed. The flight was about five hours and wasn't bad. I was sat at the baby area though for some reason and so had first cute, then screaming babies all around me, which wasn't ideal lol. Watched the end of The Change Up and then Midnight in Paris, which was quite good. Food was pretty disappointing after KLM lol but edible enough!
Arrived in around 2 but had to stand waiting to go through immigration for over an hour which wasn't great craic! Eventually got out and tried to figure out how to get to Kerri's...the bus was going to be a long time coming and fairly expensive, but a taxi would have been seriously expensive! In the end I just went for a taxi seeing as I didn't know where I was going!
The taxi driver was really nice, chatted away and told me all about getting taxis in Perth haha. I called Kerri from the taxi and she was still in work so I got dropped near her work which was just a short walk to her flat! Kerri works in a bakery which looks pretty cool, and they were just cleaning up when I got there. It was mega weird being in Australia haha. Everything really is seriously expensive, especially compared to Asia! And I instantly felt a little bit stupid looking like a backpacker haha. Funny how in Asia I was just like yea, whatever!
Kerri's flat is really nice, she is staying for the year with her friends Trudy and Meadhbh from uni, looking for architecture jobs! I even have a sofa bed and some space to myself which is pretty cool - so awesome to unpack and stick everything in the wash haha!
Kerri made spaghetti bolognese for dinner which was epic! Hadn't had pasta for 3 months!! Then we just chilled out that night. Was so good to actually see someone I knew! Haha.
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