We strolled up the road & caught the 9am public bus up to Volcan Irazu (3432m). Unfortunately on the journey up there, the cloud cover starting coming in & by the time we arrived at the top, the views on both sides were blocked by cloud. This was a real pain, as our main reason for going up this volcano was the fact that on a clear day you can see both the Pacific & Caribbean seas. But we took a stroll across to the secondary & main craters, which were quite impressive & then up to the very top of the hill to the main viewing point. Even though we couldn't see the seas (as much as I kept trying to!), this was Rach's first volcano, so it was cool anyway. The bus headed back down at 2:30pm & after a little bit of shopping in town (new clippers & additional tablets for me (these were £90 though, so we didn't get them!)), we headed back. A very nice meal in a Peruvian restaurant, was followed with me having some Rum & Cokes until the wee hours with the other guys in the hostel & Rach crashing out. (Today was another day of stoopidity for people who you'd think were experienced travellers on the grounds that we forgot to put suncream on because it was cloudy & so we both got sunburnt!! Bloody idiots!)
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