heyhey thort id leave u a comment altho liam ur th onli 1 that met me hehe, hope ur avin a gr8 time n i hope us lot med u av a gr8 time in venice! ur a propa nice lad n im sorry ur m8 cudnt ov met us lot 2 cuz obviously we am amazing :P haha wel tek care :D btw West bromwich albion r gr8 hehe tlk to ya soon n thers sum pics tht ur ive got in i fink u shud put in th venice pics :) xxxxx
happy birthday! Bella wants to know where her smelly uncle is that has not sent her a postcard jet, she needs it for show and tell at school. oh can we have some better photos as cars are well dull, you must be getting up to more fun than that or are we not alloud to see those photos. happy birthday again don't go kissing to many strange birds.
Little Big Sis
Happy birthday to u, happy birthday to u, happy to little big brother, happy birthday to u, miss u and love u loads love from lyzix
Hi Liam
Just to say Happy Birthday have a great day wish I was there missing you X X Mum
Hey little brother!
Looks like your having a fab time, am sooo jealous! Where you going to be for your birthday? Missing you loads....
Em xx
Just had my first look at your site, had a good laugh at the photos and read about what you've been upto. Especially thanks for the mini-tour of Paris, now I will never need t'go back there. Although, the Eifel Tower looked a lot smaller than I remember it being in 1998 when I went up it. :D
Keep having fun and entertaining those of us who can only sit online and look at the wonders of Europe. Byes!
p.s. what ever you do dont order anything but estrella damm beer, anything from madrid will get you in trouble.
Liam, When you hit barcelona, check out the novella negra (black sheep), good spaninsh dive with cheap beer, sangria and table football. A cheap place to stay is the b and b in placa reial (in the enterance way off las ramblas), I usually sobered up in the square the next day. Good paces to visit are sagardia familia, parc gaudi and of course the neu camp. The big moorish blue and white circular building near the miro gallery is the bull ring - would be different experience. Hope you are having fun and make sure you dont collect as many diseases as beers.
Andrew Kerry
Hi Liam
hope your having a great time, how was amsterdam !!!. bet it was better than the black swan , hey....!
make sure you enjoy yourself on the way, and may the force be with you,,,
Andrew Kerry
Just looked at all your photos lol looks nice even the barel or beer liam is hugging lol..
Jamie keep your eyes of that massive Red Wine rake lol dad would love that in are house lol:)
My god that beer u are drinking must be the biggest beer i have ever seen lol that would take most people a who night to drink that and probble be pissed...
I dout it toke u 2 all night more like 10 mins lol....(NEXT)
I am at home in my free period at the moment but i will show mum and sam the pictures later....
Have fun and i will ring u on your birth day or summite...
Harry xxx
Hi, Thanks for the updates, good drinking sessions then Jamie, keep the photos and emails coming. wish I was there, beats our temperatures of -5 in the mornings.xx
make sure you include a post of the best beers drunk. travelling connoisseurs of the beer world - my arse, pissed artists more likely.