The Party' was so much fun! Does it ever help to have the people who care about you around. I had to work out today - my body feels better and I need to release some nervous energy. Tonight's dinner with Reg was my very own deer sausage - was it ever good and now I know why I hunt, the meat is not only truly organic but tastes delicious! When I reflect, this type of trip is not just about me - my family, friends and support folks have all had a hand in making this happen. The patience of my friends listen to me babble about this place or that decision; the care and support given by my medical doctors (Botha, Coulter, Lindsay); the patience and physical work of my Physio and Chiropractor (Suzanne and Dr. Dececore). The success of an adventure only comes to fruition with a huge amount of planning and I am SO grateful to Reg for allowing me the time, mentally and physically to accomplish this.
And to my lovely daughters; Amedee who's past travel experience helped me prepare to be cautious and keep my "mouth zipped and eyes open" and my brave little Madeleine who has embarked on her own such adventure, to give me the 'yes you can' confidence. Two more sleeps.
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