Yo yo so as we last said we went off to the flea market the other day. Not sure it should be called flea market..probably mosquito market or do you want a drum market! Was quite good, loads of stuff being sold and lots of haggling; altho i wasnt so good at it at first and quickly settled on a price. Div then started getting into the swing of things and got me some bargains. He then needed a scarf as he was burning his neck and so he ended up being cornered in this ladies stall by two ladies grabbing him by his wrists and not letting him out, was quite amusing but seriously thats the way they try to get you to buy trapping you in the about hard selling! I dont know how many times we have been asked if we want drums or a mini chess set and even if you say no thanks or i have one they still want to give you good price!
When we got back we realised we had been bitten to bits! Div has about 30 bites on each foot and mine are scattered up my leg, we look like pikeys, no joke! After the flea market we met up with my friend claire and her family and went to a greek restaurant and then on to this club which was carved outta a cave was pretty funny. It was ladies night and so we got in free and div had to pay a bit but then the drinks were FREE bonus! was quite smashed by the time we got back to the hotel and decided then i wanted to haggle (argue) the taxi fare. In the midst of my arguement div some how lost his wallet..might have fallen out of his pocket but when we got in our room he then realised and it was too late by then. Not much missing but the lucky charm laura had given me (as he left his at home) i think we need some luck!
The next day was pretty wasted really. We lounged around the pool and then went for dinner later and then bed as we were getting up early today.
Woke up very early to see the sunrise and before we left the hotel it had started!! DAM IT we have just been laughing about how crap we are or how things keep going wrong. Oh well, we went to see Old Goa and learnt about this Christian saint who's body hasn't decomposed. You could even see it in the see-through tomb. The next date for opening it and checking if hes still intact is 2014..anyone wanna check him out?
Anywho now we're in Panaji and theres not much here to do but miss a cruise walk into air-conditioned shops to get out of the heat and write this. Just waiting for our taxi back and then we'll go and watch the sunset on the beach.
Tomo night we're catching the Konkan train back, Div will no-doubt be hanging off the side all night whilst i sleep lol
best be off, take care, stay sharp
Love Margo and Div
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