Hey everyone,
I arrived in Phnom Penh yesterday from Battambang. Travelled with Sokhany on the bus, and am staying at her foster daughters house. This is a hair dress shop and beauty salon right smack back in the middle of the city - the King is my neighbour at the moment!! might drop round to the Royal Palace for a angkor beer later!!! Went to dinner at a friend's house last night, my friend neary is volunteering as a psychologist at PTD, but she comes from Phnom Penh so i went to dinner with her and her family. They have five daughters, one is married and pregnant and they all l;ive together in a house the size of ben's kitchen - its so small. but hey are considered middle class and neary goes to university - its hard to wrap my head round it. The dinner was delicious - dont know how i am going to go back to cooking australian food for myself!
i dont have much new at moment - just getting excited bout interviewing people a mum and liz coming to visit.
will catch everyone later
love t
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