After a VERY traumatic departure which i nearly didnt make (as almost didnt get on the plane) i arrived safely in singapore(thanks to all the photos and lovely letters i had to open on the plane). Lovely airport, quick and easy and well signposted, found my way through picked u my bag and found the train, got ticket, got train, changed once, then got a taxi to my hostel/hotel!(was impressed with my achievemen there!) VERY HOT here, couldnt go to room but could shower, thankgoodness!! then they stored my luggage whilst i went for a wander! With my rucksack and my map i was well set!!! Walked miles and sweated lots (pleasant thought for you there!) found raffles hotel, and wandered in for a nosey around.....very nice too, will start saving to stay there when i get back, haha!!! was gorgeous! Returned to hostel and to my rm, then found roof top standing pool and terrace and explored and found the VEG OUT room, wrote in my journal and now writing on you can see terribly exciting so far...great city, would just like to share it with someone.....not managing to use my word quota for the day here so the first person i speak to will not be able to get a word in edge ways.........
Ended up managing to hold on untill 9pm and go to bed after having 1 hrs kip in 2 days, thought that was good going! Got woken at midnight, by random roomys showering!!
Woke at 7am, and went down to brekkie with a room mate, from Taiwann, nice brekkie, lush watermelon!! then headed out to the marina...again a very hot, steamy day! Foudn the marina, took piccys which i hope to put on facebook soon!! The i went on the city bus tours, a historical one and then a city one, saw some pretty good sites and famous landmarks(sorry not gonna name them all-see piccs) glad i was on the bus, nearly fell asleep as one point (jetlag, not boredom)! The used the bus to get to a shopping area called Bugis centre, more reasonable area to shop rather than the posh shops...made my way to starbucks again and got my frappuchino and a banana today...sat down and at the corner of my eye i saw a man staring at me............yes id caught the attention of a tramp who i thought almost motioned to come and sit with me but i just shook my head......shortly he wondered off then kept walking past and waving at sure everybody is now relieved to know that i have made a friend!!! caught the bus again to a stop near to my hotel and walked back from there....doing the night safari tonight so lookign forward to that!!!
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