We arrived at Heathrow at 10.30am. this morning after a sleepless night and the different time zones. Nick our taxi driver was waiting and we were soon on the road heading home. Claire and John were dropped off first it felt quite sad saying goodbye after being together for a month nearly we will miss each other but will try and get together soon. Nick and I were dropped off next and we said out farewells to Alan and thanked him for all of his planning and organising of our fantastic holiday. The door opened and Bella came wagging and wobbling out so pleased to see us it was lovely. Then we had big hugs from Molly, Georgie and Mel so good to be home. Simon is home from hospital but still having the nurse call in everyday to give him his intravenus antibiotics hope he is better soon. Had a chat and drink together then Mel and the girls went home to Simon they have all been fantastic looking after everything while we were away as well as visiting poor Simon in hospital!! Thankyou very much to them and also to eveline, ali,and taryn who also helped with Bella when Mel was at work. We managed to unpack our cases but not much else as we were feeling more and more tired. Found a Fish Pie in the freezer so had that for dinner. Went to bed about 9pm and fell fast asleep dreaming about riding horses in Arizona........What a holiday!
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