There's a big fat Cuban cigar waiting here for Mal.
John Drew
Great seeing photos of Turin and Chambrey. We were there last July before and after our Canal du Midi trip. When do you get back Mal. We were down to 5 on wednesday !!! 5 gentlemen overseas at the moment and a couple of other travelling around Oz.
Ann Schriever
Hi Guys
Just wanting to let you know you are being missed at Era. We are all heading to Airlie Beach this Wednesday for Craig's 50th so that's a big one to miss. They are in the middle of a cyclone so we mightn't make it either. Your adventure is definitely taking you to some amazing places and your writing makes me think im there with you. Take care Ann
Angela Campbell
Well, you missed a lovely Ladies Lunch today - sitting out in the autumn sun on the balcony of the Town Hall pub but only 3 participants - obviously Balmain is falling apart without the Garders to organise us!
I have really enjoyed your blog and feel that wistful sense of envy. Can't complain though having had since your departure 3 trips to NZ plus weekends in Canberra (wedding) and most recently in Lilianfels at Katoomba, a surprise for Kim's birthday.
Happy travels...
John Drew
Too many gentlemen overseas at once at the moment. Only 9 for lunch today. Mal.... come back !!
Hi, nice to chat the other night. Great photos of snowy London, you might not have had a white Christmas but not far off.
Jess is on the move now, time to babyproof the house as she can get around pretty quickly and seems quite interested in powerpoints. Don't forget to skype so you can see how big she is.
Ngaire & Bob
Hi. What a wonderful holiday u2 are having the pictures are very clear. It looks like it is very cold over there. We are having a beautiful summer so far & hope it continues. Mum is still the same we have her up each Sunday or taken her out for a drive so she can get out of the area. It is your turn next Sunday HA Ha. How are the people going over there with the recession are they worried or are they just getting on with life. Thats all the news so keep having a great time Love Ngaire & Bob
John Drew
Great photos. Pity I can't make rude comments about Mal on them. We just got back from a week on Lord Howe Island. 22 - 26 degrees!!!
Ann Schriever
Hi guys great to catch up on all your news. We spent Xmas in Coffs Harbour was very nice. Got back yesterday and the guys have gone down to Era for New Year. I decided to take a couple of days break and will go down on the 2nd.
Happy New Year
Jocelyne Macleod
thank yo so much for phoning me for my birthday - how very kind. I was in Sydney helping Catriona pack up for her new home in Melbourne. Not what you could call a great birthday!! Honestly I don't know why she needs so much stuff - and tupperware!!! Christmas was to say the least quiet , we tried to cheer up but it was only the 3 of us. We went to church and had a swim at Coogee. Now bck in Canberra with Emily, Catriona drives down tomorrow - we did spend close to 4 days packing
She has a house in Dingley an hopes to start a new life with lots of support from the other family - can't say I blame her, also house much cheaper.
Have a wonderful New Year's Eve in Scotland - slightly different from the year 2000. The Morrises are brave enough to have another Australia Day party and I am looking forward to that.l
Loved reading your news, you two certainly fill in every available moment!!
Geez, you've only been away two weeks and you've already got the start of a novel on your blog. Glad to hear all's well, hope you've got your phones sorted - maybe talk to you on Christmas day.
Ann Schriever
Hi Guys just wanted to say Hi and let you know of change of e-mail address. You will be pleased to know girls have done well in HSC and there are no tears. Rachel back from Fiji had the time of her life. We are heading to Coffs Harbour on Wednesday for Xmas and won't be back until after the new year. Will be thinking of you have a great Xmas