Tomorrow we head for Heathrow Airport at the start of our Camino. Yesterday I was celebrating MayDay in Glastonbury as only our little community can. This morning I am surrounded by lists and hinting I should have probably done what Wraenna did and packed months ago. I also need to dye my hair - the purple haired priest cannot go to Spain with turquoise hair (it’s faded to this colour for some reason). Our treasurer will not be happy if I don’t do my expenses before I leave. I feel about as ill prepared for a pilgrimage as it is possible to be, but I have done lots of walking practice! The dog is shattered from all the extra walking! Oh and I have got a journal and a pen for my more private notes. I have a mezzo whistle to play/practice (lower than a penny whistle but not so low as a low whistle) I’ve got my play list sorted for my music and a hydration bladder for my rucksack. Fortunately it won’t matter what I throw in the case as we have a 20kg allowance, as we are doing this the luxury way and having our luggage transferred each day!
Anyway, the pic is from Beltane celebrations in Glastonbury and I need to stop wasting time and do the stuff on my lists!
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